Fallen Angels

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This page references a division of KSI.

History[edit | edit source]

Division Eras: 2011, 2018-2022

Division Games: Call of Duty, Rainbow 6

Fallen Angels is originally a division created in 2011 by an unknown person. This era of the division is completely lost to history besides proof that it existed in 2011. FA is strictly known for the 2018-2022 era.

FA was the first division created on the Xbox One platform after the KN split from KSI in 2018. It was named by KSI Chaoticz 7 who had no idea it was also a short-lived div in 2011.

The first squad was Rapture FA which was led by KSI Chaoticz 7

Previous Squads[edit | edit source]

2011[edit | edit source]

2018-2022[edit | edit source]

Unknown Era[edit | edit source]

Notable Staff Upon Division Creation[edit | edit source]

Previous Leadership[edit | edit source]

Directors[edit | edit source]

Division Leaders[edit | edit source]

Co-Division Leaders[edit | edit source]

Founders[edit | edit source]

  • KSI BUBBA 7 - joined in September of 2018 in Rapture FA. He advanced through the ranks and was sent to several squads to assist them during his FA time due to the squad's expansion and activity. He achieved Founder in FA.
  • KSI Babytree24 - Became first female Co-Founder within the division after successfully splitting Babylon FA.

Co-Founders[edit | edit source]

Generals[edit | edit source]