Azrael FA

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This page references a squad in KSI.

Azrael FA
General Information
Other Info: Call of Duty Squad
Community Info
Department Info

A squad belonging to Fallen Angels.

Squad info

Split from Rapture FA on June 26th 2019, as KSI MamaTwirly successfully became the Squad Leader over Azrael. MamaTwirly was having a baby and sooner needed a replacement, however, she needed to step down for personal reasons.

We have seen that the FA Div Staff at the time needed to help and bring someone over to the squad. Over a dozen meetings, KSI BUBBA 7 was picked to come over and help as he was a Major from Babylon FA.

Throughout the squadron's history, had a lot of Officers and leaders come and go, or moved up. Azrael had a rough time. Finally, the Division Staff said enough. Azrael was merged into Exiled FA due to the loss of membership and more than half of the officer core left.

Previous Squad Information

Previous Squad Leaders
Order: Alias: Dates:
5th GEN KSI DESERT 7 06/02/2020 - 09/20/2020
4th GEN KSI Chicago 7 05/17/2020 - 06/02/2020
3rd GEN KSI OVERWATCH 03/15/2020 - 05/17/2020
2nd GEN KSI BUBBA 7 01/07/2020 - 03/15/2020
1st GEN KSI MamaTwirly 03/15/2019 - 01/07/2020