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General Information
Xbox Gamertag: KSI BUBBA 7
Name: Bubba
Gender: Male
Location: New York, NY
Community Info
Previous Squads: Requiem CR
Divisions Fallen Angels - Ancient Republic
Last Known Rank: Officer - KSI Global-Talk Host
Previous Affiliations Optic, MG, XGN, MEA, NGN, DCG
Department Info

Clan Operations History

Bubba joined September 20th, 2018 in the squadron Rapture in Fallen Angels (FA) division. He has climbed up throughout the ranks and during his time in KSI, he has been transferred to various squads to help those squads out. He has been transferred from Rapture to Judgement FA because of growth and activity within the squad along with KSI Heroiism 7 and KSI xTITANx 7.

As the months have gone by Bubba, helps out with Judgement, which squad-split into Babylon. Became a Lieutenant and progressed to reaching the rank of Major over Babylon FA, along with his General, KSI xREDDOGx. As 8 months passed by another squad was in need of a little help and Bubba was recommended to go help with Azrael FA, which has their Major. General over Azrael FA was KSI MamaTwirly. Together and along with the two officers, KSI OVERWATCH and KSI JamJam took the wheel together and grow Azrael more professional and with style. Three months later, Bubba becomes General over Azrael and in his time as General, he has mentored, trained, lost, and gain great leaders on the way before being promoted to FA Co-Founder.

Rapture FA: 09.20.2018 to 09.26.2018 Judgement FA: 09.26.2018 to 10.04.2018 Babylon FA: 12.01.2018 - 11.19.2019 Azrael FA: 11.19.2019 - 03/12/2020 Fallen Angels: Co-Founder — 03.12.2020 to 11.14.2020 Ancient Republic: Co-Division Leader — 11.14/2020 to 01.5.2021

Web Operations History

Bubba joined Web Ops in 2019 and originally joined the Education Department. While he was in Education he later went down the road to Tournament & Events Team, as a Coordinator. In February of 2020, Bubba became a part of the Social Media Team, as a Manager and then eventually became the Team Lead. Down the road KSI CH3DDAR 7 Director of Web Ops at the time he needed to retire for real-life stuff. So he has recommended Bubba to take his spot.

KSI BUBBA 7 was appointed to be the Director of Web Ops in mid-August 2021. Served up to March 14th, 2022 he then become the Operations Director of KSI Global. Bubba had a rough patch in the time period when KSI lost more than half of the Executive Board have left, including the Executive Director ( KSI Kered 7 ) and Operations Director ( KSI Mizz Airy ). For the first six (6) month term, Bubba has rebuilt the Executive Staff, department and community policies, and reconstructed Clan Operations. On September 14th, 2022; Bubba finished his term as Operations Director and become the Executive Director for a 6-month term. Bubba's goals were to build and create an Esports League for KSI and build relations with other communities.

Once Bubba was finished with being the Executive Director, he then moved back to Director of Web Ops again on March 2023. Served his time as Director of Web Ops for 5 months and decided to retire due to upcoming career opportunities in real life and would only have the time to run the Global-Talk Podcast with [KSI Anatomy 7]].

Positions/Ranks Held by Bubba

Executive Leadership

  • Director of Web Operations —> 07.28.2021 to 03.14.2022
  • Operations Director -> 03.14.2022 - 09.14.2022
  • Executive Director -> 09.14.2022 - 03.14.2023
  • Director of Web Operations -> 03.14.2023 - 07.31.2023

General Web-Ops

  • Assistant Instructor, Education Department —> 03.16.2019 to 09.13.2019
  • Coordinator, Tournaments & Events —> 10.04.2019 to 03.25.2020
  • Staff, Wiki Team —> 03.26.2020 to 05.15.2020

IT Services History

  • Community Moderator —> 12.01.2019 to 12.15.2020
  • Senior Moderator —> 12.15.2020 to 07.28.2021
  • KSI Resource Team, Team Supervisor —> 01.04.2021 to 03.06.2022

Public Relations

  • Social Media Supervisor —> 02.23.2020 to 5.01.2021
  • Public Relations Director —> 01.04.2021 to 08.14.2021

Awards & Achievements