KSI New Blue 7
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Clan Operations
Fallen Angels
Joined KSI as zG Sharps into Rapture FA. Recruited by KSI DRZ 400 2-22-19 (R-RCT)
Orientation completed 2-25-19. Promoted to Private (R-PVT)
Promoted to Corporal by KSI THYMINE 7 on 3-3-19 (R-CPL)
Name changed to KSIxSharps promoted to Sergeant by KSI Ares 70 on 3-4-19 (R-SGT)
Promoted to Staff Sergeant by KSI Ares 70 on 3-10-19 (R-SSGT)
Promoted to Master Sergeant by KSI Ares 70 on 3-24-19 (R-MSGT)
Demoted to Staff Sergeant by KSI Ares 70 (unknown date) (R-SSG)
Promoted to 4th Lieutenant by KSI Ares 70 on 4-15-19 (R-4LT)
Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant by KSI Copperhead9 on 4-28-19 (R-2LT)
Promoted to 3rd Captain by KSI xXLEGIONXx on 5-12-19 (R-3CP)
Promoted to 2nd Captain by KSI Ares 70 on 6-24-19 (R-2CP)
Split Rapture FA to make Azrael FA
Demoted to Staff Sergeant on 6-30-19
Stepped down to Sergeant on 7-1-19
Transfer to Azrael FA (A-SGT)
Transfer to Leviathan FA (L-SGT)
Promoted to Staff Sergeant by KSI xLucifer on 10-15-19 (L-SSGT)
Leviathan Member of The Week 10-29-19
Promoted to Lieutenant by KSI xLucifer on 11-5-19 (L-LT)
Split Leviathan into Hades FA 11-19-19
Transfer to Hades FA (H-LT)
KSI October Member of The Month
Hades Member of the Month December
Stepped down to Staff Sergeant on 2-1-20 (H-SSGT)
Left Clan-Ops on 2-2-20
Re-joined Hades FA on 2-23-20 (H-SSGT)
Hades Member of The Week 3-2-20
Promoted to Lieutenant by KSI Sanji on 3-3-20 (H-LT)
Promoted to Captain by KSI Sanji on 3-25-20 (H-CPT)
Promoted to Major by KSIxLEGION 7 on 4-19-20 (H-MJR)
Promoted to General by KSI Icespot 7 on 4-26-20 (H-GEN)
Demoted to SSGT by KSI XxAres 7 on 7-10-20 (H-SSGT)
Left Hades FA 7-14-20
Left KSI in its entirety 7-17-20
Final Judgement
Rejoined as Xiled Blue 7 into Hades FA. Recruited by KSI Viktory 7 3-6-22 (H-PVT)
Transferred to Rapture FJ 3-13-22 (R-PVT)
Banned from KSI by KSI JT 7 3-14-22
Unbanned from KSI via Courts System 6-2-22
Joined Rapture FJ 6-12-22
Rapture squad dissolved
Transferred to Kaizen FJ 10-22-22
Promoted to Prospect by KSI Frosty 7 on 6-24-23 (PSP)
Promoted to Officer by KSI Katana 7 on 7-3-23 (OFC)
Promoted to Senior Officer by KSI Frosty 7 on 7-17-23 (SO)
Promoted to Squad Leader by KSI Viktory 7 on 7-24-23 (SL)
Chaos Remnants
Final Judgement split to create Nemesis CR 7-29-23
Senior Officer of the Month July awarded 8-17-23
Split Nemesis to create Paradox CR 10-14-23
Promoted to Co-Founder by KSI Frosty 7 10-14-23 (CoFo)
Demoted to Officer in Nemesis CR 12-20-23 (N-OFC)
Promoted to Senior Officer by KSI Viking 7 1-2-23 (N-SO)
Split Nemesis CR to create Xtinction CR 2-10-24
Promoted to Squad Leader of Xtinction CR by KSI DirtyHeathen 7 2-10-24 (X-SL)
Eternal Torment
Xtinction CR moved to Eternal Torment on 3-30-24
Split Xtinction ET to create Enforcer ET 4-20-24
Promoted to Co-Founder by Wub Wubz II on 4-20-24 (CoFo)
Viking Horde
Eternal Torment renamed to Viking Horde 5-6-24
Promoted to Co-Division Leader by KSI DirtyHeathen 7 on 6-6-24 (Co-Div)
Xiled Horde
Split Viking Horde to create Xiled Horde 8-9-24
Promoted to Division Leader of Xiled Horde 8-9-24 (Div-Lead)
Clan Ops Mentors
- KSI Viktory 7
- KSI Chaoticz 7
- KSI Copper 7
- KSI XxAres 7
- KSI Robfink26
- KSI Viking 7
- KSI Rewster 7
Web Operations
Joined News Team 7-26-19
Joined GFX Team 8-5-19
Assigned as Wiki Team Lead by KSI JT 7 on 1-26-20
Demoted from Wiki Team Lead by KSI JT 7 on 2-19-20
Left Wiki Team 3-2-20
Promoted to Senior Writer by KSI Nex Addo on 4-2-20
Joined 7DS Podcast Team 5-25-20
Joined Productions Team 6-11-20
Assigned as Advanced Graphic Artist by KSI ANATOMY 7 on 6-14-20
Joined Social Media Team 6-15-20
Promoted to News Lead by KSI Linden 7 on 6-16-20
Stepped down from News Team Lead 7-14-20
Left News Team 7-14-20
Left Productions Team 7-14-20
Removed from Graphics Team 7-15-20
Left Social Media Team 7-17-20
Rejoined GFX Team 6-27-23
Promoted to GFX Supervisor by KSI ANATOMY 7 11-2-23
Promoted to Wiki Supervisor by KSI Linden 7 11-8-23
Demoted from GFX Lead by KSI ANATOMY 7
Left Graphics team 11-12-23
Added back to Graphics team 11-26-23
Added to Social Media Team 11-26-23
Promoted to Media Manager (over Graphics Team, Social Media Team, News Team) 12-3-23
Department Supervisor OTM January (Wiki)
Promoted to Deputy Director of Digital Services by KSI TERM 7 1-6-23
Added to Verification Team 2-14-24
Added to AAP Team 3-26-24
Removed from AAP Team 4-2-24
Promoted to Senior Director of Digital Services by KSI Anatomy 7 on 4-22-24
Verification Team > Intel 5-14-24
Left Intel Team 7-31-24
Department Supervisor OTM July (Wiki)
Promoted to Supreme Wiki Overlord by KSI IronBear 7 on 9-14-24
Executive Staff OTM October (Senior Director of Digital Services)
Web Ops Mentors
Notable Information
Revived the KSI Wiki Team along with KSI Nex Addo in 2019 and again in 2023.
Tri-Split Final Judgement to create Nemesis CR during the 2023 rebuild.
Banned from KSI by Executive Staff 11-10-23
Unbanned 11-12-23.
Awarded 7 by Executive Staff 11-15-23
Awarded Outstanding Service Award by KSI Linden 7 1-7-24