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KSI Legends, Elements, Archives, and Dynasties (LEAD). Saturday at 6pm EST we are going to bring back an old school leader to tell a few stories about the most pivotal moments in our communities history. It is our hope that not only will this provide some interesting content to the members but also serve as way to pass on knowledge of our successes and failures so that our new generation of leaders can use it to carry on the mantel.

Here are our talks in order as they occurred with sound byte or transcript as available.

- May 9, 2020 - KSI Kered 7

Discussion - KSI Global .com and .org Split

To start, back in 2011 the scene was set for FuzzyMeep who was recently promoted at the time from Chief of Staff (CoS) to Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to take over the reigns of KSI Global Gaming Network. Fuzzy, (CEO at the time) wanted to separate KSI Se7en 7 from KSI for a number of reasons. It was decided to take it up with a board vote. During this pivotal meeting Fuzzy pitched his plan but was not successful. So KSI set out to create KSIglobal.org to circumvent the situation and restart fresh, KSIglobal.com was shut down and for a few months everything KSI was under ".org". During this time, specific leadership put in place by KSI Se7en 7 wanted to come over to ".org" but retain their ranks that were not earned but rather given to them as they were in the right place at the right time but were denied the rank under new leadership. This set some bad blood within a certain leader who went to KSI Se7en 7 and convinced him that KSI has bluntly stabbed him in back and were not looking out for the best interest of KSI. This set a fire under certain staff and KSIglobal.com was re-opened, re-aligned, and KSI Se7en 7 officially "Retired" leaving KSI to rebuild and regrow from one of the largest splits in KSI History. During this evolution, KSI went from 3000+ gamers to one division to start over.

- May 26, 2020 - KSI Airy 7

Discussion - Lost Empire Division

Audio can be found HERE

- May 23, 2020 - KSI Viktory 7 / KSI Icespot 7

Discussion - KN Split from KSI

Audio can be found HERE

- May 31, 2020 - KSI MsNaughty 7

Discussion - Halo 2 move to Halo 3

Audio can be found HERE

- June 6, 2020 - KSI Ronald 7

Discussion - PlayStation Rise and personal growth

Audio can be found HERE