KSI AK47sForAll

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KSI AK47sForAll
General Information
Xbox Gamertag: KSI AK47sForAll
Community Info
Previous Squads: Red Army LS , Warfare SR , Spartan SR
Divisions Dragon Realm , Last Strike , Synthetic Reality
Highest Known Rank: Division Leader
Previous Affiliations XvG
Department Info
Departments: Marketing , News

Clan Operations

2009 Synthetic Reality Division Leader

2010 Division Leader

My KSI story (You won't read the whole thing):

I've been a part of KSI for over 2 years now. A few days ago was my two year anniversary. At first I just wrote news, but I gradually integrated in, and then filed a formal application. I was in SO first, than, once they found out that I had used to be part of a clan called XvG, I had to file an appeal to stay as I didn't know they were BL'd at the time. Once that was filed, it was decided I would go to a division called Dragon Realm. I remember many of my friends there, but sadly, none of them are still around today. KSI WIGSPLITAH, and, others that I can't remember at the moment. And KSI Satana 7 and Sumidor at the time as well. KSI Satana 7 who I had met in XvG and Sumidor who I had known for a long while being as we were in RoG/RtG together at the time, and dealt with a lot of the BS and were essentially the 2 guys right below the top.

Anyway, moving on from all that, after I was in Dragon Realm, I kind of disappeared for awhile. Took, er, an involuntary leave of absence and then re-appeared later on, after both Dragon Realm and SO had died. At that point, I tried to get into KgB, but I had a lot of trouble getting in there because of lack of communication, so I went were KSI Satana 7 was going, into Last Strike. I was there for awhile with no official rank, but then opened the squad called KSI Red Army LS, which was a CoD4/WaW squad. Unfortunately, I was not given the needed support from the leadership there at the time. I had told them I could not recruit well, and I was promised a solid base to start with, but they gave me maybe 5 people, none of whom really recruited anyone.

During my time in Last Strike, and I believe stemming back from an interesting situation, Six o Two had caught my eye as a very competent leader. I read some of his posts and what not, and he struck me as a very good leader. Apparently, oddly enough, I had also caught his eye for various reason, and he felt that I was no where near where I should be, rank wise. All of a sudden, GGN was formed. Thanks to Zero <_< and myself, our squads in Last Strike were protected, but many divisions were hurt, and Synthetic Reality was almost completely destroyed. I watched Six and KSI H3KTYK 7 struggling, so I helped them out in any way that I could: attended meetings, gave them some new recruits, helped them re-organize, things of that nature. Weathering a crisis together can be bonding, so, I started hanging with them, and chilling with some guys from Synthetic Reality, and eventually, I felt I was overly annoyed with Last Strike and the lack of leadership support, I requested a transfer, which Six busted his butt to push through. Once here, I was given a general position over Spartan SR. With Six's help, I got in with KSI Se7en 7, six vouched for my abilities, and I was given Senior Leadership status, so that I could assist in matters there.

While over Spartan SR, I met KSI JMONEY, liked the guy, but didn't think much of his leadership abilities. I started essentially doing his job without the rank, and I was frustrated at the lack of support I was getting from him. I won't lie that at the time I was considering leaving, but I decided to weather it out. Eventually, I was called into a room, and told that I was suspected of ties with GGN and NDA. I was shocked to say the least, but I was ready to fight it out. Apparently, however, this was the traditional way to promote people to a higher rank...<_< and just like that, I was co-founder. I was co-founder over a squad that I had actually argued against its name the previous week in the divisional meeting. I had no idea who was in it, and I had never even met anyone from there before. What's more, I had only picked up a copy of CoD4 again that day. Somehow, I made it work. i had a great second in command, and things were going great.

But, as anyone in clan-ops knows, nothing goes great for long. 0le Sk00l decided where his loyalties laid, and VUA was born. After we had all put so much work in re-building Synthetic Reality after the GGN and NDA issues (though NDA was tiny compared to GGN), here was yet another problem. They took out an entire squad, and many more, and soon we were facing a crisis of epic proportions. Six then left us because of problems with certain aspects of KSI, and we were in trouble. I could see us heading for chaos, so I tried to stabalize things, and run the divisional meetings, and whatnot while I discussed matters with the Senior Leadership. Warfare SR was completely obliterated, so I stepped up and took control of it, and made attempts to try and salvage it. Eventually KSI Rome 7, KSI H3KTYK 7, and I stabalized things, and I was still running the divisional meetings. With all the higher ranks gone, KSI Rome 7 promoted KSI H3KTYK 7 and I to Founders so that we could take Synthetic Reality back in the right direction and back to glory. We managed to solve most of SR's problems, and were promoted until KSI H3KTYK 7 made Director, and I made division leader. I promoted another founder, KSI ASSASSIN 7, and we built Synthetic Reality. KSI ASSASSIN 7 made it all the way to Division Leader and I to Director, but he left, so I stepped back down to Division Leader so that I could continue to help Synthetic Reality. We are 12 squads strong, with over 1000 members, making us the largest division in KSI by a long shot. We're growing everyday, and training new leaders every day. I dedicate as much as I can to Synthetic Reality and KSI, and will continue to do so indefinately.


I started out working under Syncrhonize, not doing too much, but doing what he asked me. Then when he left, he requested that I take it over, but ViceCaptain took it over instead. We didn't do much under him either, and eventually KSI R3X 7 took it over. We then got a few affiliates, and I worked on, and am finalizing the Headplay deal, which caused my promotion the the rank of Public Relations Representative, which means I deal with companies that we already have agreements with, and deal with any public relations that need to be taken care of. We needed more people on the marketing team, and SR responded nicely. I work with KSI SoLiD SR 7, Ka6ble, Jackson and KSI WiFEY, and we have a very good team going now.


I joined the News Team back in August when Black Rose ran it. I wrote articles, and was soon promoted to editor because of my skills. Soon after, she left, and left me in charge. I tried to keep it together, but it slowly withered away, though still putting out news letters every so often. Eventually, it almost died, and I was just keeping it alive. Then I got Rhakhark, who is a great media consultant and editor, and we tried to put it back together. Eventually, she left, and the News Team turned into the Office of Community News, with the new assignment to write news for our main site, KSI Global. We are attempting to do so now.

So that's about it on that one. Before KSI we get very murky, and very deep. Its an even longer story, and one filled with, err, interesting parts, but its not one I like to tell.

Web Operations

Notable Information

Awards & Achievements