Dreadnought CR

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This page references a squad in KSI.

A squad belonging to Chaos Remnants.

Dreadnought CR
General Information
Other Info: Call of Duty Squad
Community Info
Current Status:Active

Squad info[edit | edit source]

Final Judgement Split to create Dreadnought on July 29th, 2023. KSI ODIN became the first squad leader aka KSI Artorius. Upon changes of leadership within Dreadnought KSI Rewster 7 lead the first squad split for the division and history of Dreadnought. KSI DC 77 successfully became Squad Leader over Requiem CR on September 15th, 2023. KSI Achilles 7 assumed command after KSI Rewster 7 was promoted to Co-Founder.

Notable Information[edit | edit source]

Previous Squad Information[edit | edit source]

Previous Squad Leaders
Order: Alias: Dates: Reason:
6th SL Despair KSI 03/02/24 Split
5th SL KSI REAPER 7 12/17/23 - 03/02/24 Split
4th SL KSI Sevenaro 10/07/23 - 12/18/23 Promoted
3rd SL KSI Achilles 7 09/16/23 - 10/07/23 Split
2nd SL KSI Rewster 7 08/24/23 - 09/16/23 Promoted
1st SL KSI 0DIN 07/05/23 - 08/20/23 Split