Article: Vendetta splits into Lawless!

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Vendetta Splits to Lawless

In a shocking turn of events, the renowned squad of Vendetta has split to create Lawless! This move came after weeks of speculation and rumors. The split, officially confirmed by internal affairs results in two new Squad Leaders and a new Co-Founder. We were lucky enough to be able to ask the new Squad Leaders and Co-Founder some questions to get their insight on the split.

The first Squad Leader we had the privilege to interview was Marz. Marz, who joined our community back in 2023 got her start under the powerhouse squad of Kyber which split into Leviathan. After earning leadership awards and countless praise for her hard work and determination in Leviathan and her Social Media Supervisor role, she was forced to take a hiatus before putting in the hard work and making a strong comeback under Kyber. While under Kyber, she heard there was a need for a leader to step up and help out in Vendetta and stepped to the front line. She faced her own trials and tribulations but was confident enough to overcome all issues that arose. With help from her team and her leader Cheddar, she has become your new Squad Leader for Vendetta in EO.

1. Discuss what the road to splitting was like for you?

a. The road to splitting was clear, stepping into Vendetta. It’s one of those moments where everything aligned. It just needed the extra push to get there. It was definitely a team effort. And I can’t thank everyone enough.

2. How have things been for you since the split?

a. Things have been perfect since the split. We are the most active squad in EO. Right now we hold the title for most active Squad Leader, Senior Officer, and Officer. We are absolutely thriving. Which I think is amazing. I’m very proud of my squad.

3. What are some challenges that might lie ahead of you in your new role?

a. I think our biggest challenge that lies ahead is keeping us from pushing to split again. I know everyone is eager to hit the ground running, but taking a break is definitely needed and deserved.

4. Finally, what are your goals for the squad going forward?

a. Our goal right now is to keep the squad active and strong. We are going to slowly build our squad back up each week, we are going to build our staff back up. And continue to blow everyone’s expectations out of the water.

5. Is there anything else you would like to add?

a. The only thing I can really add is a huge thank you. To Abyzou, Chicago, and Cheddar. But a truly huge thank you to Snackbite. He has kept by my side since coming into KSI and he has honestly been a blessing in disguise since the split. He’s helped me out so much.

Our second Squad Leader is Recover. Recover has been a part of KSI for over 9 years and continues to enjoy helping new members and building squads as he has been in this position before. He knows the road to SL and Co-founder don’t always come easy. They have their own trials and tribulations but he landed in Vendetta and is now the newest SL for EO.

1. Discuss what the road to splitting was like for you?

a. The road to splitting is never easy for anyone but with time and the right people it definitely makes it much easier.

2. How have things been for you since the split?

a. Since the split the officer staff and myself have just made slow steady pace, nothing too crazy just taking a breather and just making sure the new squad is active and ready to go when the time comes.

3. What are some challenges that might lie ahead of you in your new role?

a. Challenges that might lie ahead of me are unknown due to you never knowing what is going to happen. Different problems need different solutions. The thing that I am blessed with is that I have been a Co-Founder before this, so any problem that comes up I will be able to handle and take care of with ease.

4. Finally, what are your goals for the squad going forward?

a. I have a small step at a time plan. First I want to hit 50 members inside Lawless, then 60, 70, and 80. I want to make sure the squad is active for the next split because I want my Senior Officers that will eventually take Lawless and the new squad to be successful.

5. Is there anything you would like to add?

a. Yes. Shoutout to Chicago 7, Cheddar 7, Abyzou 7 and all of the OG Vendetta people and the current Lawless people!

Our last but not least interview went to the leader who made it happen! Your new Co-Founder Cheddar! He has been here since 2019 and has been in the Web Ops division of KSI. Working under Hero, he was able to work his way up to Director of Web Ops. He has been able to stay relevant and active to even be given an Owner title! He eventually stepped away but life always has a funny way to bring people back as he came back roughly 3 months ago. He decided it was a good time to get into Clan Ops and has worked his way to lead Vendetta and here we are as it splits!

1. Discuss what the road to splitting was like for you?

a. I had been sitting idle in a squad and actually bought our first house which has a gaming room. So I took that opportunity to get more involved in clan ops. I was asked to go help Catalyst at the time, now known as Vendetta, and jumped over there. I hit the ground running and became Squad Lead. Coming from a Web Ops career it was refreshing and fun to actually sit down and play with members of a squad. From there things just fell into place. The officers gained the same excitement and commitment to the squad and the split came easily. We truly became a team and it happened because we all worked together.

2. How have things been for you since the split?

a. Things have been going great. Both squads are finding their own way of operating. They have been keeping the same momentum that led to the split.

3. What challenges might lie ahead of you in your new role?

a. The challenge for me is going to be finding that self awareness that I am no longer running the squad. I need to let the Squad Leads learn and do things their own way.

4. What are you expecting to see out of the 2 squads?

a. Obviously, I expect the same output as we are discussing here today. I hope to see an article just like this from both squad leads!

Congratulations again to all parties involved and to their new promotions. They worked very hard to make sure they were able to split and become the new squads and should be very proud of themselves. Let’s make sure you congratulate them when you see them!

Additional Info[edit | edit source]

Written by: Chef Cos VH 7

Publish Date: 07/17/2024 8:01 PM

Featured People: KSI Marz, KSI Cheddar 7, KSI Abyzou, KSI Chicago 7, KSI Recover 7,

Featured Pages: Vendetta IA, Lawless IA, Infinite Anarchy, Endless Onslaught