Article: Vendetta Splits to Revenge!

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In a remarkable twist of fate, one of the most dominant teams in the IA community is splitting up—not due to failure or internal strife, but because their exceptional skill and overwhelming success have led to an unprecedented decision. We were lucky enough to sit down with the New Cofo Marz who we just interviewed not even 30 days prior when she became a new Squad Leader. She handed the reins of her successes off to the two new Squad Leaders: Snackbite and Virgo! Let’s meet them and see what they have to say about the split!

“I'm Virgo, I'm 25, going to be 26 here soon and I live in Colorado. I have an amazing fiancé named Cameron and a black cat named Lucifer! I love to play a mix of FPS and cozy games. I came to KSI by playing some COD: MW3 and I ran into FatNinja & Cheddar! We were having a blast playing together and they invited me to KSI. I started in Aion EO and then we merged into Vendetta EO before the split and I've been there ever since! Once Marz became the SL of Vendetta, we became friends and she inspired me to become a more active part of KSI. Seeing her drive and determination has been my guide for leadership in KSI.”

Now about the split and where the squad is at!

“Our road to splitting was definitely down to the wire during the last two weeks. We were pushing really hard to keep our activity up and we just had to make sure some last requirements got done! We needed to move 2 cadets up and make sure we had enough members to split. It was definitely stressful, but it was awesome watching how hard Marz worked for it and she inspired me to move up and become Squad Leader. Things have been a little nerve wracking since the split! You know, I went from cadet to SL in maybe a month, so I’m still learning how to manage everything. It’s been an absolute pleasure to be a leader in this squad and get to know these people and make some genuine connections. Some challenges I know for me personally is to try to step away from discord. I have a lot of anxiety, and I tend to create pressure for myself. My goal for Vendetta is to keep trying to bring in around 6-7 people a week. I believe when we split we were either at 42 or 46 and now we’re at 60, within just a week. I plan on building up my officer core and I’m looking for some strong leaders to become a part of Vendetta. I want my squad to stay the same it’s always been, a close-knit group of gamers that genuinely have a fun time together.” Next up is Snack Bite! Let’s see what he has to say!

Hi I’m Snack, I’ve been a gamer for a very long time. I would still consider myself pretty new to KSI, only having been here since June 28th of this year. I was asked early on about moving up the ranks and haven’t had much time to look back since having been part of 2 splits. (Vendetta/Lawless) (Vendetta/Revenge)

“The road to splitting was definitely a fast track learning experience. Marz had a goal in mind and was relentless about meeting that goal. I knew my job was to help her reach that goal. The best way I knew how to help her was to learn what to do as an SO and do it well. I believe what I was able to learn from Marz will help me in this next step in my KSI journey. We are off to a slow start in Revenge, but we plan to pull up our bootstraps and put in the work to become a recognizable squad here in KSI. I plan to lean on what I’ve learned from Marz and continue making progress with the help of my incredible Officer core in Solxr, Collector, Mr. Muzan and Auxiliary. One of my challenges will be keeping my excellent officers from burning out. They all work hard and make Revenge a great squad to be a part of. I’m truly blessed to have the team I have to work with and game with as we move forward. I want to build a strong officer core that everyone in KSI recognizes and wants to be a part of. I want Revenge to be recognized as a powerhouse squad and of course work towards splitting. I know I have the right people for the job and we’ll be making a new squad before we know it. Oh yeah one last thing, huge massive shoutout to my CoFo Marz for the encouragement and just being herself, and also big thanks to my guy Solxr for putting up with my shenanigans, we’re gonna go far buddy!” Last but not least is Marz. From Squad Leader to Co-founder in less than 30 days! Let’s check in with her!

“The road to split was a group effort. It wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t have such a strong officer core behind me. Everyday we worked together to make Vendetta the powerhouse of IA. Things have been great! I get to watch Virgo and Snack lead with greatness while spending more time with my Div family. But I will say I miss keeping my hands and mind busy with squad business. I don’t truly see any challenges in the future, except for the fact I trained my Squad Leaders and Officers so well that they don’t leave me any issues to fix. The only thing I want out of the 2 squads is for them to be happy and have fun. I know for a fact, Snack and Virgo are strong leaders who will build strong squads and they know I’ll be right next to them every step of the way”

Let’s make sure we congratulate the team and new leaders as we wish them the best on their new squads!

Additional Info

Written by: Chef Cos VH 7

Publish Date: 08/16/2024 2:02 PM

Featured People: KSI Marz, TheVirgoGoddess, KSI_Snack,

Featured Pages: Vendetta IA, Revenge IA, Infinite Anarchy