Article: Synthetic Reality Squad Splits!

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Velaris split to Lumina

In a move that has taken Synthetic Reality by storm, the popular squad Velaris has experienced a significant split, resulting in the birth of a new squad, Lumina, which is rapidly gaining traction among members and the division alike. Krimsyn the new Cofounder had high praise for the new squads and all the hard work they put in to get to where they are now, “I had a lot of work to do to prepare my staff for the split and their impending promotions. Most of my SO's were new to communities and hadn't been in this kind of field before. It definitely took MANY tests and many hours of preparing to get them ready for SL. However, I couldn't have done it without them. They were the backbone of our staff team.” Pink who took over the responsibility for Velaris also had this to say about their goals, “My main goal then and now is to keep everyone active. Now that we split things are the same. It was a bit scary the first few days but I know I still have lots of support from staff and my squad. My challenges and goals are to keep everyone active and to mingle. When I look at discord and see people chatting in different groups and in our squad chat or hanging out in different voice chats, it makes me happy.”

Last but not least is the introduction to Panda and the new squad Lumina. Panda had some exciting words to say in reference to the split and her time in the community, “It was honestly exciting it’s been 10+ years since I really contributed to help split a squad since my XGN days. I guess I hit a wall and burnt out until I met two of my closest friends Krimsyn and Asuna. They lit up the fire that I once had after sitting down together and talking about our goals and plans for the future.” As far as challenges and goals for the future go, she seems ready to take them head on, “Honestly anything could end up being a challenge, I don’t know when or where but I’ll be ready to go head on with whatever bump I hit on the road, expect the unexpected but I will see through it to the end without hesitations. My goal is to create a comfortable environment for those who join a community for the first time. I’m really big on being respectful so I always remind my squad to treat others the same way you wanna be treated, give them a nice warm welcome and make sure they don’t feel left out to always have them included in whatever activity we do.”

It’s refreshing to see a Squad Leader not look at members as just numbers, I hope we can all take these ideas and use them in our own squads. Congratulations once again to the 3 promotions and we at the News desk wish them the very best! We also have an extra quote from Asuna in reference to the great things the squads in Synthetic Reality are doing and the expectations on how they will succeed, “Nothing but success. The people I put in place were there for a reason. I have total faith in their abilities and leadership to lead successful squads. They held down the fort when I worked long days, and without their hard work, dedication, and striving for Synthetic Realities success, it wouldn't have been possible.”

Additional Info[edit | hide | edit source]

Written by: KSI Ghoulina

Publish Date: Tuesday Oct. 15th 2024 4:37pm

Featured People: KSI Krimsyn, KSI Panda, Pink, KSI Asuna 7

Featured Pages: Lumina SR, Velaris SR, Synthetic Reality