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This page references a News Article from KSI.

Article[edit | edit source]

The link to the article [link] Now that one day of E3 2005 has passed, which piece of hardware are you dying to go out and get? Xbox 360 23179 (30%) PlayStation 3 34897 (45%) Nintendo Revolution 12162 (15%) Nuby Tech Chainsaw 318 (0%) Physics Processor 779 (1%) Game Boy micro 596 (0%) The machines are nice, but I'm only in it for the games 5237 (6%)So go here and let your Voice be heard Vote which console you want.... By: HOLY LAND

[Submitted by HOLY LAND]

Additional Info[edit | edit source]

Written by: HOLY LAND

Publish Date: Monday 23 May 2005 - 14:01:38

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