Article: KSI Newsletter 11/09/24

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KSI Weekly Newsletter, Saturday November 9th, 2024

Mod Team

Forty has worked diligently since becoming a mod. Helping to build trust and confidence in the team and pushing the team to be better every day for his efforts he has been promoted to senior moderator.

Moderator applications will open on December 1st 2024 and will remain open until December 8th 2024. New mods are needed as we open the KSI social server and the KSI Head Hunters server later this year.


Christmas Graphic Event starting 11/6/2024-11/30/2024. rules for the event. Christmas/Yule Theme . Server icon size is 512x512. The server banner is 960x540. The KSI logo will be provided by the graphics department to those who are participating, message XiledLOTUS (E-SL) for the logo. no watermarks. needs to look professional. voting results will not be revealed early. will be a single vote for the server icon and a single vote for banners. Date turned in by November 30th 2024 @11:55pm Est.

Please make sure all submissions get sent to XiledLOTUS (E-SL) via discord. This event is open to all members of KSI to participate in with those participating using whatever graphic design software that they want to use. Can either make a server icon, server banner, or both but all submissions need to be sent to XiledLOTUS (E-SL) no later than 11:55PM Est. on 11/30/2024. Voting will happen anonymously by the community on which graphic they think is best. voting will happen 12/1/2024 - 12/07/2024. The winner or winners will be announced on 12/08/2024 and their image will remain as the server icon and banner for 30 days.

Department Requests need to be submitted timely so that the artists have enough time to go over the material, make the graphic, present it to the team, squad, division, or department, and make any changes that are requested. With this in mind it is asked that all requests be submitted and an expected due date of 7 days after submission. Submitting requests that are due the day of or within 48 hours of the request can see the request being denied or delayed as other projects are currently being worked on. Finally, the department request area is done as a work board so first in first out for requests if a request has been on the board for several days and a new one comes in asking to be worked on immediately the new one will wait until older requests are completed first.

Web Ops

The KSI Social Server will go live on 11/11/2024 and will be open for all KSI guests and KSI members to join. This server will take 90% of all current social areas that exist in the KSI Global server and move them over there. If you enjoy such things like using pokebot you will find it on that server. All guests will also be asked to go into that server and leave this server. It is not mandatory for KSI members to be in the social server either, it is just there should KSI members wish to join. Certain things like counting and the birthday celebration will remain within the KSI Global server as well for KSI members to enjoy. This will also allow for continued growth of clan ops as we will have more room for new channels and roles for future squads and future divisions.

Video Editing

If you want to be featured on the KSI Studios YouTube channel which is our community channel please submit your clips to the channel and you could see your self on a short or on a full montage video. Also give our YouTube channel a follow at if you like a video feel free to like and subscribe for more content from our lovely content creation team.


Xiled Horde

  • Khaos- Cadet
  • Gitlythbear- Cadet
  • Mast3rmind777- Senior Officer
  • Fidi- Officer

Viking Horde

  • Thirty- Co-Founder
  • DaKeechZ03- Officer
  • Shadow R4ge- Senior Officer
  • TupacINSECUR- Officer
  • Jaz- Officer
  • Legion- Officer
  • Ditzymitch- Cadet
  • KSI xxDevilspawnxx- Cadet
  • Forty- Squad Leader

Additional Info

Written by: KSI Ghoulina

Publish Date: 1/09/2024 5:39 PM

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