Article: KSI Has Moved To Other Systems

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This page references a News Article from KSI.

Article[edit | edit source]

Every one lets start to give a good name for or new found friends at Sony.

KSI will now branch out onto new systems because they seem to want to give KSI the interviews and spotlight position we have been around +3 years to earn. and a spotlight we deserve and are more than willing to take, as the PMS have had their interview from Microsoft while the guy who has over come his handicap to be where he is in the gaming world. (see Nubs interview WE made). wont get looked at by them.

If we are told to wait we are patient... if we are not told a damn thing... and ignored after doing so much for the xbox system... things are going to change... NOW

if this is the case then we are ready to talk with Sony and will soon be setting up operations on the PS2 & PS3 So please check out our new threads in our forums for other systems.

We hope that these new friends of ours will be more open minded in their marketing schemes and choices.

We are in no way accusing anyone of dropping the ball on KSI... we appreciate its hard to drop the ball... IF YOU NEVER PICKED IT UP!!!

contact page coming soon, we will be waiting for comments or a response would be a welcome change... ehem *suprise*.., before you lose the people who did everything and will endure anything to uphold rules we did not create, but respect... we want, no .. DESERVE the same in return.


We help our online community .... We think its time you did the same without any trix.

ALSO... PSP's ARE SOLD OUT.... HOO AAHH [Submitted by KSI NATAS 7 & KSI 1stwyvern]

Additional Info[edit | edit source]

Written by: KSI NATAS 7, KSI 1stWyvern 777

Publish Date: Thursday 28 April 2005 - 13:39:08

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