KSI Odin 7

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KSI Odin 7
General Information
Xbox Gamertag KSI Odin 7
Community Info
Date Joined:2003
Current Status:Retired

Clan Operations[edit | edit source]

Web Operations[edit | edit source]

Notable Information[edit | edit source]

KSI Odin 7 was awarded the KSI FTLA Award on Saturday September 5th 2009

  • The Article on ksiglobal.com from 2009 reads as follows -

"We have a lot of expectations for our members here in KSI. Many of us set an example of just how to express our talents so that they may better be utilized in real world corporations. Recently one of our members KSI Odin 7, a 6 year veteran here in KSI has been given the opportunity to be the Public Affairs Officer for a hospital based in Jacksonville, FL.

This came about after Odin approached the Head PAO (Public affairs officer) expressing his interest in Public Affairs, also saying it was something he had a lot of experience in.

That afternoon, KSI Odin 7 showed the Head PAO the work he did here in KSI including website updates, KSI’s goals and mission statements also proposals and contracts he took a part of.

The programs he helped develop as well as programs KSI gave him to make his job in KSI a more productive and efficient one. After the Head PAO looked this over, visiting all of KSI’s websites several times over and reading and re-reading his work, he emailed KSI Odin 7 explaining of how ideal it would be to see him come to Public Affairs, and not only that but offered assistance in making sure his move into the new job was a smooth transition.

KSI Odin 7 is thankful even now of every minute he spent here in KSI, and is looking forward to his new position. He would also like to tell you that it would be for your benefit to take every opportunity in KSI that is presented to you so that you may build on your education and experience in not only the corporate world, but also as a leader."

Awards & Achievements[edit | edit source]