KSI Noob

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KSI Noob
General Information
Playstation ID: KSI-Noo3
Community Info
Date Joined:11-19-18
Previous Squads:Integritas FG, Final Judgement FJ, Kyber CR
DivisionsAncient Republic, Fatal Genesis, Final Judgement, Chaos Remnants
Last Known Rank:Member
Highest Known Rank:Co-Founder
Previous AffiliationsXDG
Other Notes:a.k.a. TheEpicN00B1223, Noob-IVXX
Current Status:Inactive

Clan Operations[edit | edit source]

Web Operations[edit | edit source]

Notable Information[edit | edit source]

Was the catalyst for the meltdown the Board of Directors had in 2020 involving the now proven untrue allegations against KSI Viktory 7.

Awards & Achievements[edit | edit source]