JT (R00t Da3m0n) serves as Jefe/Webmaster of the KSI Global Gaming Network. He is responsible for server maintenance and upkeep, as well as maintaining the KSI brand.
Linden serves as Community Chair/Webmaster of the KSI Global Gaming Network. He is responsible for server maintenance and upkeep, as well as maintaining the KSI brand.
KSI New Blue serves KSI in Clan Ops, Digital Services, and Web Operations as the Wiki Team Supervisor. He was the original Wiki Lead along with KSI Nex Addo in 2019. Today, his position's responsibilities include building relationships with past leaders to secure personal and community-wide histories, managing the other members of the Wiki Team, and ensuring changes made to the Wiki page are true and unbiased.
Cheddar served as an Owner/Admin of KSI Global Gaming Network. He was responsible for server maintenance and upkeep, as well as maintaining the KSI brand.
KSI DESERT 7 served as the Director of Technology. He reviewed, published, moderated changes, and updated articles as needed to ensure that all information on the project was as accurate and neatly presented as possible, as well as chose and managed staff for the wiki project. As well as maintained the KSI global Discord and the mod team
Koda was a Technical Advisor for the KSI History project. He was responsible for helping maintain the KSI Wiki system in cooperation with the KSI Wiki project staff.
Strikethrough indicates member no longer holds that position.
Current Staff
Senior Editor
Lily serves as a Senior Editor on the KSI Wiki project. She oversees editors/moderators, reviews, publishes, and updates articles as needed to ensure that all information on the project is as accurate and neatly presented as possible.
Linden serves as a Senior Editor on the KSI Wiki project. He oversees editors/moderators, reviews, publishes, and updates articles as needed to ensure that all information on the project is as accurate and neatly presented as possible.
Editor on the KSI Wiki project. Reviews, publishes, and updates articles as needed to ensure that all information on the project is as accurate and neatly presented as possible