Article: Here We Go...
From KSI Wiki
This page references a News Article from KSI.
The time that many of us have been waiting for is now just right around the corner. That’s right, the Xbox 360 is on the way, and for many of us that means it’s almost time for us to make the transition over the new age of gaming. Now obviously KSI will loose some of it’s 3500 members with this move, and to those of you that do get lost I would like to wish you happy gaming, but for those of us who remain, we will get to see KSI be practically reborn with this new system, as KSI gamers will be spread throughout the Xbox gaming network displaying why KSI is the number one gaming community in gaming today.
Additional Info
Written by: KSI MIR4GE7
Publish Date: Wednesday 02 November 2005 - 17:41:33
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