Endless Onslaught Squad Splits!

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Nightmare to Catacombs split

Many of us in squad staff all hope to split the squad we are in, which is an achievement not many get to have. When they finally do happen it is a momentous occasion and the whole division is abuzz with excitement. We see at least 3 major promotions, such as Titan 7 and Kholdharted who took on the roles of Squad Leader over their respective squads, and then the promotion Lonely took to Co-Founder. Usually there is a series of promotions that follow as the Squad Leaders get acclimated to their new roles and the Co-Founder learns how to manage two squads instead of one.

The road to splitting have many ups and downs to it we asked Titan 7 what the road to splitting was like and here is some of what they had to say about it: “ For me, the road to splitting was actually pretty quick, and pretty easy. Compared to a few of the other squads I’ve been in during my times in KSI before, this split was the easiest, and the best. We ran into a couple of hiccups, but they were easily overcome and we were able to come back stronger in the end.” Kholdeharted was also asked to weigh in on what they felt the road was like and here are their remarks: “ The road to splitting was fairly easy because we had an awesome group of people who were there to help with anything. Our officer core was amazing! There were times when things felt stressful, and a little overwhelming, but that's where Raike 7 came in and helped tremendously.” It seems they each had an outstanding time and lots of positive assistance from their leaders who helped get them to the split. As we all know a split is exciting and there are usually goals that the new leaders have in mind that they want to achieve whether that is a long term or short term goals. We reached out to each of these leaders to kinda give us a look at their goals and what to look forward to seeing as they lead their squads to be the next ones up to split!

First a word from Lonely the new Co-Founder, who is sharing some thoughts on what they see as potential challenges ahead of them in their new role: “The challenges I see as a new cofounder are really just learning the position. There’s a bit more for me to do now but I know Raike and Shadowfox 7 will both be there to answer any questions I may have and I’m a fast learner and will adapt to my new position.” Titan 7 shares their thoughts on what their goals are in the road ahead: “Right now the goals for Nightmare are to build our squad membership back up and develop strong leaders, the same way my predecessors did.” Followed up by some words from Kholdehearted on the same subject! “Some goals that I have for the squad going forward are really just continuing to grow and keeping Catacombs as a positive environment for all. My biggest goal really is making sure it's a home for everyone like Nightmare was for me.” Each leader in place will do amazing things for the community and their respective divisions! Lonely shares their thoughts on what they hope to see in the future for these two squads: “I know it may sound cliche but I trained my two squad leaders to be able to handle anything. I know that they will fill the squad leader role position to perfection. I honestly have no doubt in my mind that they will continue to thrive and grow their squads in order to split again. Really the only expectations I have for them is to remember that KSI is a gaming community first. I want them to enjoy playing games and playing with friends. If they’re having fun then the recruits will come in organically.” We are all looking forward to what comes next out of these two great Squad Leaders and their new Co-Founder! Here is to many more adventures you all will take and hopefully soon we'll be seeing their squads split and even more inspiration shared with all of us who hope to one day follow in those footsteps and split their squads and continue to grow their division and KSI as a whole.

Additional Info[edit | hide | edit source]

Written by: KSI Ghoulina

Publish Date: Tuesday 15 October 2024 1:17pm

Featured People: KSI Lonely, KSI Titan 7, kholdeharted, KSI Raike 7, KSI ShadowFox7

Featured Pages: Nightmare EO, Catacombs EO, Endless Onslaught