Article: Squad List Update!
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The following squads have sent in theyre squad lists to [email] :
KSI Pinups EU
KSI Hardhitters
KSI Troopers
KSI Movie Stars
KSI Saturn 7
KSI Overkill
KSI Gen X7
KSI K7 Titanium
KSI Death Co XK
KSI Nemisis
KSI Fin3est XK
KSI Unr3al Kings
KSI Reapers XK
KSI Kings XK
KSI Xil3d Kings
KSI Unr3al XK
KSI Overkill
If your squad does not appear on the above list your squad has either sent in the squad list before the 17th of June, or have not sent them in at all. At 6:00pm Pacific Time, I will accept no more emails and your names will not go on the Members list. I will also emphisise that the format of the squad list is as follows: Gamertag/ Rank in KSI. I will give an example.
KSI Movie Stars (Squad name):
KSI Chiefaus: General
KSI GiDdY : Captain Name and Ranks
KSI John : Sergeant
Momo Hemo: Private.
The rank given by Halo 2, e.g Overlord, Staff, member and peon, are irrelivent.
I advise that the squad leaders keep a list of there squad/s so they can notice when people leave there clan, get promoted ect.
Once you have sent in your first squad list, you only need to send in updates. The "Update" format is as follows:
KSI Pauline was promoted to General
rebelwithoutacar has been booted from KSI.
His second gamertag is "idontknow"
KSI Harry was moved to KSI Reapers
If you notice any spelling mistakes or people who shouldnt be there, send them in at [email] . Thankyou KSI Chiefaus out.
[Submitted by KSI Chiefaus]
Additional Info[edit | hide | edit source]
Written by: KSI Chiefaus 7
Publish Date: Wednesday 29 June 2005 - 09:03:08
Featured People: KSI GiDdY, KSI John, Momo Hemo
Featured Pages: KSI Pinups EU, KSI Hardhitters, KSI Troopers, KSI Movie Stars, KSI Saturn 7, KSI Overkill, KSI Gen X7, KSI K7 Titanium, Death Co XK, KSI Nemisis, f1n3st XK, Unr3al Kings, Reapers XK, Kings XK, XIL3D KINGS, Unr3al XK,