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This page references a News Article from KSI.

Article[edit | edit source]

I had a few moments with our creator yesterday and from his busy schedule and had given me the time to interview him on his thoughts and feelings about KSI. As you know KSI Natas 7 aka KSI Seven 7, is our leader and our creator in this large gaming community we call Killing Service, Inc. It is through his dedication and the loyalty of his members that KSI is known to be one of the largest Xbox live clans in the world.

(begin interview)

KSI Outlaw Star: First off... This interview and all its contents will be viewed by the public do you agree?

KSI Seven 7: Yes

KSI Outlaw Star: Okay, Natas, this is off the top of my head but what makes you keep going with KSI, after all you must get so much bs, [*****] talk, and etc from other clans and outsiders, but what makes you keep moving through that?

KSI Seven 7: I do get a lot of smack talk but KSI GAMING NETWORK is very rewarding to me. The chance to help others is fun every time I hear some one say I'm glad to be KSI, those are the type of words that keeps me motivated and keep me going.

KSI Outlaw Star: What is the most memorable moment that comes into mind since you've led KSI? (besides meeting me HA!)

KSI Seven 7: Besides meeting you? I remember the moment when KSI reached 500 members strong. I never thought 4 years ago KSI would have so many members but to my surprise we just blew up and when we got our first 500, I knew we would just keep on going and going.

KSI Outlaw Star: Do you think KSI can be ever stopped?

KSI Seven 7: Sure it can. But as hard as we all work, it's going to be really tough for someone to do that. Thank God for hard workers who donate their time for what they love.

KSI Outlaw Star says: That's awesome to hear and I doubt anyone or any group can mess with us anyways, since we're such a strong unit. Is there anything you regret during the time you've been in here?

KSI Seven 7: Sure my old name NATAS

KSI Outlaw Star: What does "Natas" mean?

KSI Seven 7: Well when I was growing up there was a pro skater by the name of Natas Copas. He was really good. When I got on XBOX Live I was playing Unreal Championship, which is my favorite game. In the beginning of the game it says you are either a god or your nothing. I thought it would be cool if I chose the name Natas never thinking about me becoming the Creator of the largest Clan on XBOX live, so I went with it. Because of my religious beliefs I have now become KSI Seven 7.

KSI Outlaw Star: You prefer people call you Seven now?

KSI Seven 7: Yea but every one still knows me as "Natas" but I'm working to let that name die

KSI Outlaw Star: Dang, NATAS, I still call you that. Whoops Okay, note to everyone, Natas dies, and Seven lives!

KSI Seven 7: Great!

KSI Outlaw Star: You know people in KSI in person right, name off some people.


KSI Outlaw Star: Wow that's pretty cool you know them personally. I wish I can meet some of you KSI peeps in person too but anyhow, Seven, what's your greatest fear?

KSI Seven 7: Love scares me, and another thing that scares me is time- not having enough to do the things I want to do.

KSI Outlaw Star: Everyone gets older, everyone changes, and things in life change, one day you will have to give up KSI and hand it over to someone. Will you trust it in someone else's hands? You've carried it, babied it for years, can you just give it so someone when that time comes?

KSI Seven 7: Not unless that person knows my work and my intentions. KSI 1stwyvern is the only person who knows my work but I'm only 31 so I got a few years. People come and go that is part of life, but I have been around 4 years going on 5, and XBOX 360 comes out soon so we will move to a better system.

KSI Outlaw Star: Great to hear that you intend to keep this going for as long as it can So, what can you tell the public about your next big project. I know you got some secret stuff going on, but tell us what you can if anything.

KSI Seven 7: 360 is were its at for me. We are working night and day to build more web sites, get more members and hold more tournaments for our members. I am talking to some big names in the gaming industry to try and prepare KSI for 360.

KSI Outlaw Star: Wow. KSI is well known out there already, and it's only getting better with each day.

KSI Seven 7: Yes we try hard

KSI Outlaw Star: I have a hard question for you but I got to ask it. I want this juicy like oranges, what's your favorite squad so far?

KSI Seven 7: Shock Squad has all ways been my pick. KSI MANNUP and KSI RAKKAR have been with KSI for a very long time and they were the first squad to stay together for as long as they have without changing their name. It's been three years now, so my hats off to them!

KSI Outlaw Star: Shock Squad is definitely awesome. I have a few favorites in there as well! Hey, ever seen anyone in KSI fall in love?

KSI Seven 7: All the time! KSI KITTYLOVE and KSI TOTALBUM plan to get married soon.

KSI Outlaw Star: Oh that's news I didn't know and I'm pretty sure not a lot of people know. CONGRATS KITTY AND TOTALBUM! Seven, ever fall in love with any girls in KSI?

KSI Seven 7: Not me I love them all

KSI Outlaw Star: Well that's good I love them too!

KSI Seven 7: But KSI PINUPS do have the hottest girls on live:

KSI Outlaw Star: I do agree.

KSI Seven 7: Look at you

KSI Outlaw Star: Awe shucks, enough about me. (star giggles HA), what's something that KSI can improve on as a whole?

KSI Seven 7: More close nit groups, more members, and the smack talk.

KSI Outlaw Star: You want people to talk sh*t?, Well f*ck you! JK!

KSI Seven 7: No, No, I hate that. I mean we can improve on it. Oh yeah, and f*ck you too!

KSI Outlaw Star: What do you mean by close nit groups? (kiss my a**!!)

KSI Seven 7: Well our best squads are all good friends some of them in real life. You kiss mine!!!

KSI Outlaw Star: haha, Okay Okay, yeah I know what you mean about having a good bond and chemistry within a group. I should know because I lead a group that is based on good relationships within the squad. It's definitely great to have. (shouts to my outlaws whoop!)

KSI Seven 7: We try to look at KSI as a big city. Everyone is different but we try and find a place they will fit best within our city. Almost like playing Sim City.

KSI Outlaw Star: Well it's definitely a great community to be in!

KSI Seven 7: Yes it is and ever fast paced community with very good gamers as well. We're very hardcore.

KSI Outlaw Star: Well here's a little change of pace. You can ask me one question and I'll answer it truthfully. Make it good.

KSI Seven 7: Well you are very good at the interviews so were do you get it from?

KSI Outlaw Star: I love writing and I actually tried to pursue a career on broadcast journalism back in the day but I changed my mind. I still like to write, poetry, articles, anything, and you can see that in parts of the [link] website. Writing is one of my many hobbies aside from video games, sports, and music. I've loved it ever since I was little.

KSI Seven 7: Why did you stop on the news?

KSI Outlaw Star: Well I wanted to help people and my community. I work for United Way in the campaign department. It's a non-profit organization that helps bring in money to agencies like the Boys & Girls Clubs, Girl Scouts, homeless shelters, child abuse centers, etc. It's good money, but there's nothing like making a difference in someone's life.

KSI Seven 7: You're a good person.

KSI Outlaw Star: Thanks. Okay back to you. What's one quote you live by? And what's your favorite meal (besides McDonald's HA!)

KSI Seven 7: Never leave a KSI member behind! Oh and anything Thai!

KSI Outlaw Star: You are suppose to say FLIP FOOD you a**hole! JK!

KSI Seven 7: I need to try that food out more!

KSI Outlaw Star: Well we're nearing the end of this interview. But before I leave any last words for your people?

KSI Seven 7: Check KSI out! We have a lot going on so come join us on the journey! Welcome to the future of online gaming!

(end interview)

Well that concludes the discussion with our creator, KSI Seven 7. Look forward to more interviews of our KSI gamers in future news. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!

This is KSI Outlaw Star, signing out!

Additional Info[edit | edit source]

Written by: KSI Outlaw Star

Publish Date: Monday 27 June 2005 - 10:55:50


Featured Pages: Shock Squad, Pinup Girls