KSI Coat Of Arms

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This page references a division of KSI.

History[edit | edit source]

Division Eras: 2009

Division Games: Halo, Call of Duty

- United Kingdom based KSI Global Division

"I would like to welcome our newest division to KSI, KSI Coat Of Arms, and give everyone a little information about it.

KSI Coat Of Arms was created by our own KSI ASHLEY 7, who approached me a little over a year ago about her desire to start a division that was for people from Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales.

She stated that since she has so many friends that she plays with on a regular basis from that region of the world, that she felt it would be a good idea to have a division that caters to people from that area, so they would have a division to meet people from that area, and also to be able to do things such as meetings and tournaments in their own time zone.

Since starting the division a little more than a week ago, KSI ASHLEY 7 and her members have already managed to bring more than 60 new members into KSI.

KSI ASHLEY 7 has implemented a contest for recruiting for her members. The prize for this contest is 2100 Microsoft points, and will be awarded to the member who recruits the most during a span of one week.

Contest like this are a great idea, not only to get members more motivated to get more recruits into KSI, but to show that KSI is dedicated to rewarding our members with prizes and such, for helping us to expand our member base. It also shows our members that we do appreciate all the effort and time that they put into KSI.

KSI Coat Of Arms is a division that goes back to the root of what KSI is all about; and that is having a group of people that you randomly meet on XBL, playing games with them, and having fun.

Once you do this, you find that wonderful things start to happen… you discover that you have made new friends. Friends who are there to play and have fun for the love of whatever game you happen to be playing. And that is, after all, the whole point of being in an Xbox Live Gaming Community."

Previous Leadership[edit | edit source]

Division Leaders[edit | edit source]


Co-Division Leaders[edit | edit source]

Founders[edit | edit source]

Co-Founders[edit | edit source]