KSI Handbook

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KSI Handbook Summary

Please Click HERE for the current updated version of the KSI Handbook in Full (Last Updated 2023)


The KSI Handbook, originally crafted by KSI SE7EN 7 and KSI Valiant 7 and updated by KSI GAMEx 7, is a vital resource for all members. It provides comprehensive guidelines on participation, conduct, and the structure of the KSI community. Here’s a brief overview of its key sections:

Handbook Glossary

  • Please Click HERE for the current updated KSI Handbook

1. Chain of Command:

  • What is it? The hierarchy that outlines authority and responsibility.
  • Why important? Ensures clear roles and efficient functioning.
  • Basic Squad to Division Staff Structure: Cadet > Officer/Senior Officer > Squad Leader > Co-Founder/Founder > Co-Division Leader/Division Leader.
  • Open Door Policy: Members can approach any leader with issues, though it should be used judiciously.

2. Conduct Policies:

  • Harassment: Zero tolerance for any form of harassment.
  • Dating: Discouraged but allowed with certain restrictions.
  • Nepotism: Strictly prohibited to ensure fair promotions.
  • Mutual Respect: Expected at all times across all interactions.
  • Multi-Clanning: KSI should be your sole community representation.

3. Statement of Neutrality:

KSI is a neutral gaming community, avoiding conflicts with others.

4. Progressive Discipline Policy:

Steps: Verbal Warning, Written Warning, Disciplinary Probation, Removal, Placement on Do Not Hire (DNH) List.

5. Recruitment:

Process: Verify standards, explain KSI’s code of conduct and rank structure, add new members to in-game clans, and Discord.

6. Leaders Council:

A group of experienced former leaders providing guidance without holding formal authority.

7. Events:

Organizes and regulates community events to foster engagement.

8. Education:

Conducts workshops and training sessions for member development.

9. KSI Uniform:

Purpose: Represents membership and rank within the community.
Formats: Different for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

10. Community Structure:

Divisions: Groups of 100+ members.
Squads: Smaller units within divisions.

11. Leave of Absence (LOA):

Members can take a break for more than a week with approval.

12. Activity Standards:

Members must engage regularly to avoid removal.

13. Leaving KSI:

Voluntary, with guidelines for rejoining.

14.The "7s Award" & Policy:

Please Refer to 7s Award History

15. Departments:

Various departments such as:
  • AAP
  • Events
  • Education
  • Graphics
  • Social Media
  • Wiki
  • Courts
  • Member Services
  • CMS
  • Moderators
And many more.

16. KSI Terminology:

  • Squads: Organized Sections of KSI members within Divisions (25-100+ Members)
  • Divisions: Centralized Command for leadership, organization, and logistics to smaller units, known as Squads. (100-1000+ Members)
  • Chain of Command: The Notice and Positions of Authority within the community.
  • CMS: Clan Management System
  • The 7s: Culturally significant award earned for Notable and Exemplary Leadership. And Typically Worn as a Suffix to the members name. Refer to 7s Award History
  • Div Staff: Referring to Leadership within positions Co-Founder and up in a Division
  • DNH: Do Not Hire.
  • Fluff: Removing inactive members.
  • Game Night: Community gaming events.
  • Headhunters: Competitive teams.
  • Uniform: Member identification details in game profiles.


The KSI Handbook is an essential guide to understanding the structure, policies, and opportunities within KSI. For full details and to ensure compliance, please refer to the complete KSI Handbook.