KSI Syndicate

Division Eras: 2006
Division Games: Call of Duty 2
"Who ever thought that KSI would be extanded to a game that doesn`t have Clan options? Well we done it, and would be glad to shout out a whole new addition to our KSI Family, KSI Syndicate. This clan is held on a 360 game called, "Call of Duty 2". It is well orginazed, and is already recruiting like crazy. KSI Syndicate was formed atleast a week ago and it has about fifteen members (and currently bringing in more right now) , and KSI Syndicate comes to you with open arms, and hopes for you to come join as well!
Leaders are as followed
- KSI RoOk 7 - Leader
- KSI Type R 7 - Co-Leader
- KSI HeadShot 7 - Co-Leader
- KSI DIRTYSON17 - Co-Leader
KSI Syndicate is already planning on branching off, and trying to make different clans for there divison like a juniors divison and adults divison, and we really hope that our KSI Members acknowledge that this clan is here, and for them to welcome KSI Syndicate into KSI." -KSI DESTINY 7