Squad Tags

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History and Evolution of Squad Tags in KSI

For the majority of KSI's history, the community utilized "Squad Tags" to centralize information and streamline communication across its numerous squads. These Squad Tags were essentially Xbox accounts managed by squad leaders, whose rank names have evolved over time. Historically, the rank of General and above were responsible for these Squad Tags.

Purpose and Function

The primary purpose of Squad Tags was to facilitate the management and organization of squads. These tags were crucial for tracking attendance and ensuring that squad leaders could efficiently transfer information to ksiclan.net, the Clan Management System (CMS) used during KSI’s formative years. The Squad Tag served as the hub for all squad-related activities, making it an indispensable tool for maintaining the structure and cohesiveness of each squad.

Challenges and Security Issues

Despite their utility, Squad Tags often became targets for rival clans. These adversaries employed various nefarious means or trickery to gain access to the Squad Tags, leading to significant disruptions. Once they obtained access, they would remove all members from the tag, causing chaos and confusion among the affected squad members. This vulnerability highlighted the critical importance of security and vigilance in managing Squad Tags.

Transition to Modern Systems

As KSI expanded its presence across a multitude of games, many of which introduced their own clan systems or tags, the reliance on traditional Squad Tags began to diminish. The advent of new communication platforms like Discord further accelerated this transition. However, certain squads within KSI continue to utilize Squad Tags, appreciating the legacy and functionality they offer.

Current Usage

Branches such as KSI (.org) still rely on Squad Tags as a primary method for squad formation even into 2024. While the adoption of Discord and other modern tools is gradually phasing out the traditional Squad Tags, they remain a significant part of KSI’s history and operational strategy.


The evolution of Squad Tags in KSI reflects the community's adaptability and commitment to effective communication and organization. From their inception as a vital tool for squad management to their gradual integration with modern systems, Squad Tags have played a crucial role in shaping the operational framework of KSI. While their usage may be declining, the legacy and impact of Squad Tags continue to be felt within the community, serving as a testament to KSI’s rich history and innovative spirit.