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KSI XxLostLegion269
General Information
Community Info
Date Joined:June 2024
Previous Squads:Helheim VH
DivisionsViking Horde
Last Known Rank:Officer
Highest Known Rank:Officer
Previous AffiliationsKSI (.com)
Current Status:Active

Clan Operations[edit | edit source]

  • June 2024 - Joins Helheim VH
  • Promoted to Cadet
  • Promoted to Officer

Notable Information[edit | edit source]

XxLostLegion269 or just Legion Joined KSI in June of 2024 and was recruited into Helheim VH. Shortly after joining, his Squad leader and CoFounder departed KSI, leaving him and a few other Officers to maintain and revive the squad. Legion was one of the main officers responsible for keeping Helheim alive after its prior leadership abandoned it.