KSI Recover 7

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Revision as of 11:54, 14 July 2024 by Ksi Hero 7 (talk | contribs)
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KSI Recover 7
General Information
Xbox Gamertag itstielr
Location:Florida, USA
Community Info
Date Joined:April 14th, 2020
DivisionsFallen Angels, Chaos Remnants, Legendary Warriors, Divine Reign, Wicked Destruction, Endless Onslaught
Last Known Rank:Squad Leader
Highest Known Rank:Co-Founder
Previous AffiliationsKSI (.org), TSB, XDG, WiB
Other Notes:a.k.a KSI Liger, ItsRecover, KSI tielr, KSI BLACKRANG3R, KSI GR33NRANG3R
Current Status:Active

Clan Operations

Recruited by KSI Ascend 7 on 5/16/15

Recruited into Chaos Remnants Division by KSI Chicago 7 - 10-29-2023

Division Split on 12/31/2023 - Leviathan CR Transferred over to Leviathan EO

Squad Split on 01/06/2024 - Leviathan EO created Warlord EO

Web Operations

Joined T&E staff on 11/11/23

Promoted to T&E Team Lead on 1/3/24

Promoted to T&E supervisor on 1/13/24

Notable Information

Awards & Achievements