Tango Down

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Revision as of 03:38, 28 June 2024 by New Blue (talk | contribs) (→‎History)
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This page references a division of KSI.

History[edit | edit source]

Division Eras: 2010

Division Games: Call of Duty

Tango Down (TD) was a division created back in 2010 primarily during the Call of Duty prime-era. This division had one squadron and - a Division Leader that oversaw it. About 60 ~ members within the division according to a single capture on the Wayback machine. It was shut down in order to help out a struggling squad in Lost Empire. TD shutting down was not looked at as a failure, but as a selfless act by the Division Leader, KSI Itz Andrew, who took the 30 remaining people into Lost Empire.

Previous Squads[edit | edit source]

2010[edit | edit source]

Previous Leadership[edit | edit source]

Directors[edit | edit source]

Division Leaders[edit | edit source]

Co-Division Leaders[edit | edit source]

Founders[edit | edit source]

Co-Founders[edit | edit source]

Generals[edit | edit source]

Captains[edit | edit source]