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Revision as of 12:59, 7 May 2024 by KSI FORTY 7 (talk | contribs) (Squad/Div/.Org Links in About)
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General Information
Xbox Gamertag KSI FORTY 7
Name:Forty, 40, Fortie
Location:New York, New York
Community Info
Date Joined:December 2007
Previous Squads:Fusion
DivisionsLast Strike
Highest Known Rank:Co-Division Leader
Previous AffiliationsKSI(.com)
Other Notes:SP4D3Z (7), SIN4TRA 7
Current Status:Active in KSI(.org)
This information relates ksiforums.org
separate entity from KSIGLOBAL.COM

Clan Operations

KSI FORTY 7 joined KSI in 2007 and was recruited into FUSION LS squad of the Last Strike Division. Where he eventually became the Co Division Leader. KSI FORTY 7 also went by KSI SP4D3Z & KSI SP4D3Z 7 from 2007-2010 While at KSI(.com) before changing his name to KSI SIN4TRA 7 .

In 2010 KSI SIN4TRA 7 (FORTY) Left KSI(.com) to focus on School and family but shortly returned in 2011 and recruited into Double Helix Division. During this time KSI SIN4TRA 7(FORTY) was a casual member and did not attain any rank above SGT.

In June of 2012 FORTY then KSI SIN4TRA 7 left KSI(.com) as he attended US Marine Corps Boot Camp.

KSI SIN4TRA 7 rejoins KSI(.com) In December of 2012 under the name FORTY 7. In a Veterans Squad and would play casually until June 2014 when he Deployed and Ultimately felt he had no time to dedicate towards gaming and KSI.

After 10 long years FORTY 7 was brought back into KSI (.org) by KSI Septicade in February 2024

KSI FORTY 7 is now a Lieutenant in KSI FALLEN WD, a KSI Global (.org) Squad.

Department Operations

KSI FORTY 7 became a member of the KSI Global (.org) Graphics Team in April of 2024.