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Revision as of 12:59, 31 March 2020 by Bubba (talk | contribs)
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This page, "KSI BUBBA 7", is currently under construction. Content on this page may change rapidly as new information is added & updated.

General Information
Xbox Gamertag: KSI xX BUBBA Xx
Name: Bubba
Gender: Male
Location: New York, USA
Other Info: None
Community Info
Previous Squads: Rapture, Judgement, Babylon, Azrael
Last Known Rank: FA Co-Founder
Previous Affiliations Optic, MG, XGN, MEA, NGN, DCG, KSI(.com)
Other Notes: None
Department Info

KSI xX BUBBA Xx is currently server KSI in the Fallen Angels division as their Co-Founder. He oversees FA Azrael and FA Leviathan squadrons.

Clan Operations

Bubba joined September 20th, 2018 in the squadron Rapture in Fallen Angels (FA) division. He has climbed up throughout the ranks and during the time in KSI, he has been transferred to varies squads to help those squads out. He has been transferred from Rapture to Judgement because of growth and activity within the squad along with KSI Heroiism 7 and KSI xTitan 7.

As the months have gone by Bubba, help out with Judgement, which squad-split into Babylon. Became a Lieutenant and progress another 5 months when he has reached Major over Babylon, along with his General, KSI xREDDOGx. As 8 months passed by another squad was in need of a little help and Bubba was recommended to go help with Azrael FA, has there Major. General over Azrael FA was KSI MamaTwirly. Together and along with the two officers, KSI OVERWATCH and KSI JamJam took the wheel together and grow Azrael more professional and with style. Three months later, Bubba becomes General over Azrael and in his time as General he has mentored, trained, lost, and gain great leaders on the way before being promoted to FA Co-Founder.

Web Operations

Bubba joined Web Ops in 2019 as part of the Education. Shortly after a few months, Bubba has also joined over time the Tournaments and Events Team, then in 2020, he joined the Social Media Team, Discord Server Staff and recently Wiki Team.

Awards & Achievements

Web Operations | 2 Timer | Tuning In | Socialist | Hot Shot | First Responder | Trainer | Officer | Mad Max | Committed | Member Assistance