Article: MLG Atlanta: Updates
MLG Atlanta will be held at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta. As always, you are welcome and encouraged to stay in this hotel, as it will provide you with immediate access to the venue from your hotel room, as well as a discounted group rate. When you call 800-233-1234 to book your reservation, be sure to tell them that you are with Major League Gaming to receive the group rate. The deadline for booking your hotel is Thursday, November 10. Check out the hotel info below.
Hyatt Regency Atlanta 265 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, GA 30303-1294 Phone for reservations: 800-233-1234 Booking Code: Major League Gaming Booking Deadline - November 10, 2005
Additional Info
Written by: Unknown Writer, Posted by KSI V0GU3 Publish Date: Monday 24 October 2005 - 20:51:33
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