KSI Monkeyy 7

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This page, "KSI Monkeyy 7", is currently under construction. Content on this page may change rapidly as new information is added & updated.
KSI Monkeyy 7
General Information
Name:KSI Monkeyy 7
Community Info
Date Joined:2017
Previous Squads:Corrupt SR, Anarchy SR, FireStorm FS, Karnage PR
DivisionsSynthetic Reality, Reality Dynasty, Fire Storm, Phoenix Rising
Last Known Rank:Sergeant
Highest Known Rank:Co-Founder
Current Status:Retired

Clan Operations

Joined KSI in 2017 into Corrupt SR

Transferred to Mayhem SR

Promoted to General after squad split into Anarchy SR

Promoted to Co-Founder of Synthetic Reality

Division Transfer to Reality Dynasty

Division Transfer to Fire Storm

Demoted to General of Fire Storm FS

Demoted to Major

Demoted to Sergeant

Retired from KSI in November 2017

Awards & Achievements