KSI M3diiK 7

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This page, "KSI M3diiK 7", is currently under construction. Content on this page may change rapidly as new information is added & updated.

KSI M3diiK 7
General Information
Xbox Gamertag KSI M3diiK 7
Playstation ID: N/A
Steam ID:M3diiKx
Name:Marc E Daniel II
Location:Massachusetts, USA
Community Info
Date Joined:March 29th 2009
Previous Squads:None
DivisionsSynthetic Reality, Forever United, Twisted Reality, and Reality Dynasty
Last Known Rank:Co-Founder
Highest Known Rank:Communication Director
Previous AffiliationsKSI, XGN, HLR, TXO, Wardens
Current Status:Div staff in CR. Married the love of my life and we have a baby. My wife and I met in KSI in 2017 ๐Ÿ™‚

Clan Operations


Web Operations


Notable Information


Awards & Achievements