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KSI Linden 7

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Hall of Fame Member
This person is a member
of the KSI Hall of Fame.

This person is the Admin
of the KSI Admin Team.

KSI Linden 7
General Information
Xbox Gamertag: KSI Linden 7
Playstation ID: KSI-Linden-7
Name: Linden
Gender: Male
Location: Virginia, USA
Other Info: None
Community Info
Previous Squads: All
Divisions Double Helix, Seven Deadly Sins
Last Known Rank: Root Damon
Highest Known Rank: Owner
Previous Affiliations KSI
Other Notes: None
Department Info

KSI Linden 7 (Also Known as KSI LK 7 or KSI Lindenknight) has been a member of KSI intermittently since 2005.


KSI Linden 7 Started in KSI in the Fall of 2005. Upon entry he join KSI on Halo 2 and was given the rank of Private. Moving up the ranks as the Senior Director over the course of the year within Double Helix. Over time KSI Linden 7 worked his way up to Co-Creator of KSI. He also started taking interest into website work and development. He was set up with KSI JT 7 to assist on a small role of working the websites which later was established under the CMS E107. During this time he also opened Double Helix first website (also based under E107) and it grew from there.

As he continued to work KSI opened the Board of Directors where he was assigned several roles ending up at Chief Administrative Officer where he stayed until his enlistment and stepping away from KSI in June 2008. Once out of basic training Fire picked back up in February of 2009 and has continued on and off with KSI throughout the years where he picked up Hall of Fame for services past and present during that time.

Notable Information

-Co-founded Global Gaming Tour in 2008. MLG style site for KSI and its allies before MLG became big.
-Led the KSI Global 2.0 team (with KSI JT 7) re-branding and re-working KSI's web presence that has remain the base for KSI throughout time.

Awards & Achievements