KSI Frosty 7

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KSI Frosty 7
General Information
Xbox Gamertag: KSI Frosty 7
Gender: Male
Location: New Jersey
Community Info
Date Joined: 05/12/08
Previous Squads: Div Staff
Divisions Xero Degrees, H2 Exodus, Synthetic Reality, Xiled Kings, Reality Dynasty, Virtual Reality, Fallen Angels, Skynet, Final Judgement
Last Known Rank: Division Leader, Judge
Highest Known Rank: Director
Previous Affiliations KSI
Department Info

Hall of Fame Member
This person is a member
of the KSI Hall of Fame.

Clan Operations

KSI Frosty 7 joined KSI in 2008 under the name KSI The Soulja453 and went to the squad named Subzero XD, Xero Degrees. Here he worked up toward the rank of Founder where he earned his 7. After becoming founder he decided it was in his best interest to Transfer to H2 Exodus. He later joined KSI United after leaving Global under a different Alias known as KSI xXPIMPMYH0X and ended up leaving a few months later and created his own Community UGN. Frosty after some time decided to rejoin KSIGlobal.com and was recruited into Guardian SR. Synthetic Reality had around 90-100 members at the time and Frosty rose through the ranks and achieved Founder again Splitting 5 Squads and training many members resurrecting SR to become one of the strongest KSI Divs at the time of 600 members. Frosty was then accused of hitting a squad tag and was removed from Synthetic Reality and transferred to Xiled Kings. KSI BIGG PAPA 7 investigated the matter in Synthetic Reality and it was found out that Frosty had no part in hitting the squad tag and was set up for other Divisional Staff's personal gain. Frosty was brought back into SR but decided not to involve himself with the Division and decided to join KSI Lazar 7 and KSI BIGG PAPA 7 in Reality Dynasty. Reality Dynasty was under 100 members and was in need of a rebuild and Frosty did exactly that. Frosty recruited and trained many leaders into Reality Dynasty with honorable mentions KSI Truthx7, KSI Tyrantx7, and KSI RavenSki 7. Reality Dynasty rose to over 600 members and split into Virtual Reality. Frosty Became the Division Leader of Reality Dynasty and had it ready to split again. During this time Frosty was promoted to Director but was brought back down to Division Leader of Reality Dynasty due to conflicting issues with a Senior Leader. After more constant Issues with said Senior Leader Frosty was wrongly blacklisted for disagreeing with upper leadership. Frosty then went into retirement until his return in 2020. Frosty rejoined KSI in Leviathan FA and quickly became a captain. Leviathan had to be transferred to the Division Skynet due to issues between the General and Division Leader at that time. Leviathan then changed its name to Ryzen SN. After 2 weeks in Skynet The Founder, co-founder, and only active squad left KSI due to disagreements with the current leadership of KSI. Skynet was left with around 30 members and Frosty was given the opportunity to lead his own squad called Altair SN and prevented Skynet from being shut down. Frosty overcame all expectations and created the most active squad in KSI and split Altair into Quantum. Frosty was actively mentoring many leaders in SN including Divisional Staff above him and was the key factor in bringing Skynet to 200 members. Due to Fallen Angels beginning to decline it was decided to merge Skynet into Fallen Angels despite Frosty and his staff fighting for SN to stay open. This caused 80 percent of Sky Net to leave KSI. Frosty after careful thinking decided to go to FA with what was left of SN. Frosty made an immediate impact with Fallen Angels and began solving issues and training the current leaders. Frosty oversaw squad splits and training and was promoted to Founder. Frosty had a major leadership role in FA and was a key factor in its growth. After certain events, Frosty became Division Lead of FA and renamed the Division to Final Judgement. After a few months of leading Final Judgement. Frosty decided it was in KSIs best interest if he stepped away and decided to step down from his role. After 6 months Frosty returned due to KSIs worsening state and has been a major asset in helping KSI rebuild and start to get back to its former glory. Frosty is currently the Division Leader over Chaos Remnants.


Frosty joined the Social Media Department under the guidance of KSI BUBBA 7 and quickly became the Lead of the department. Frosty brought the social media department to a new level and then was promoted to Public Relations Director. Frosty then stepped down as Public Relations Director after stepping down as Division Leader of Final Judgement. Frosty rejoined KSI 7 months later as Public Relations Director, Legacy Relations Director, and a Judge in the Court System.

Awards & Achievements