KSI Wiki:Official Member Template
{{Member Infobox
|image=[[File:Ksichristmas (1).png|250px]]
|displayname= INFO
|gamertag= INFO
|psn= INFO
|steamid= INFO
|name= INFO
|gender= INFO
|location= INFO
|info= INFO
|datejoined= INFO
|squad= INFO
|division= INFO
|pastdivisions= INFO
|currentrank= INFO
|highestrank= INFO
|affiliations= INFO
|notes= INFO
|currentstatus= INFO
==Clan Operations==
==Web Operations==
==Notable Information==
==Awards & Achievements==
[Source] |
Clan Operations
[MEMBER NAME] joined KSI in 2013 to the [SQUAD NAME], [DIVISION NAME]. After 4 months [MEMBER] transferred to [SQUAD NAME], [DIVISION NAME] where he eventually became the [RANK]. [MEMBER NAME] went also by KSI ExAmPlE 7, KSI Exe 7, extrakid.
Web Operations
[MEMBER NAME] joined the Graphics Team in 2014 as a trial member in which after 7 months he became the leader of the team. He remained lead for [X TIME]
Notable Information
Only had this section if someone did something "out of the box". For example, they may have created the first podcast or rehauled the Education Department.
Awards & Achievements