KSI Obsidian 7

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This page, "KSI Obsidian 7", is currently under construction. Content on this page may change rapidly as new information is added & updated.

KSI Obsidian 7
General Information
Xbox Gamertag: KSI_Obsidian_7
Playstation ID: KSI_Obsidian_7
Name: Arron
Gender: Male
Location: Texas
Community Info
Divisions LE AA RD TR SO
Last Known Rank: Co Founder
Highest Known Rank: Director
Previous Affiliations KSI, Atlas Initiative
Department Info

Clan Operations

KSI Obsidian 7 joined KSI in 2005 to Rome, Lost Empire. In 2006 Obisdian starting moving up the rank in Rome ultimately becoming General and later a Co Founder. In 2007 Obsidian took time off to focus on school later returning to KSI in the summer to RD starting from as a normal recruit into KSI. After being transferred to AA,SO he was finally sent back to LE to help out the division. He later reached the rank of Founder earning his "7". Later becoming the Director of LE and AA for a time. After seeing the United and RD splits he decided to spend more time on family and again on school ultimately leaving. After some time off he returned to KSI to Light in TR. Working with KSI Mizz Airy 7 and KSI Spoonz they later split off from TR to bring back an old division LE. He later moved up the ranks and to Founder and Co Division Leader. LE eventually split and created a new division called PR, Phoenix Rising. He made it to the rank of Division Leader. After seeing differences in the senior leadership in KSI at the time he and a few others left KSI in 2017. December 2019 Obsidian rejoined KSI to what was called Atlantis Rising before the rename of the division. He currently resides in AR as Co Founder. KSI Obsidian 7 went also by KSI Zer0, KSI King Audi 7, KSI Dynamex 7, KSI Anubis 7, RD Pride

Web Operations

KSI Obsidian 7 joined the AAP Team in 2016, as well as the Wiki Team and Education Department in 2020. Obsidian was made Wiki Team Lead in June of 2020.

Notable Information

KSI Obsidian was elected into the Board of Operations in 2020.

Awards & Achievements

Division Creator| Divison Leader of the Month| Co Division Leader of the Month| General of the Month