Brutal XH

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This page references a squad in KSI.


Squad image made by KSI G 7

Squad Eras: 2024

Squad Games: Halo Infinite, Call of Duty, Fortnite, Minecraft, Apex Legends, Destiny 2

A squad belonging to Xiled Horde. This was formerly known as Enforcer XH but the squad wanted to get away from the squad's history belonging to a now banned member. It's also the name of the first squad KSI NyxWoulfe 7 was a part of, Brutal, Demonic Mayhem.

On October 24th, after a few months of pretty much nothing happening in Brutal XH, Solitude XH, and Ostara XH, KSI New Blue 7 (Division Leader) and KSI DirtyHeathen 7 (Director) came up with a plan to push several squads forward. Arcane XH, who had over 100 members and many recruits joining, had a competitive team that wanted their own squad but didn't want to take half the members in a standard split. So 18 members from Arcane, led by TyDrip, went into Brutal XH.

Previous Leadership


Squad Leaders

Previous Squad Leaders
Order: Name: Dates:
2nd SL TyDrip 10/24/2024 - 12/12/24
1st SL KSI NyxWoulfe 7 07/19/2024 - 10/24/2024


Squad recruitment poster made by KSI G 7
Squad recruitment poster made by KSI G 7