Aion EO
From KSI Wiki
This page references a squad in KSI.
Squad Eras: 2023-2024
Squad Games: Call of Duty, Fortnite, Day Z, PUBG, H1Z1
A Squad of Endless Onslaught...
On 3/22/24 Theria EO merged with Invictus EO to create Aion EO. Both squads were not properly growing which required a merge but it was decided that it would benefit from an additional couple of officers and active members.
On July 1st 2024, changes were made and decided by the division staff of Endless Onslaught to close/merge the squad to other squads within the division to support the division's mission.
Previous Leadership
Squad Leader
- 2nd SL KSI FatNinja 05/11/24 - 07/01/2024
- 1st SL KSI BUBBA 7 03/24/24 - 05/11/24