(.org) Awards Images List

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This page, "(.org) Awards Images List", is currently under construction. Content on this page may change rapidly as new information is added & updated.

KSI (.org) Awards and Achievements List

Of The Year Awards

Senior Leader of the Year

Leader of the Year

General of the Year

Captain of the Year

Lieutenant of the Year

Staff Sergeant of the Year

Sergeant of the Year

Corporal of the Year

Forums Staff of the Year

Department Head of the Year

Department Member of the Year

Member of the Year

2023 of the Year Runner Up

2022 of the Year Runner Up

2021 of the Year Runner Up

2020 of the Year Runner Up

2019 of the Year Runner Up

2018 of the Year Runner Up

2017 of the Year Runner Up

"Of the Year" Show Viewer/Attendee

Veterans Day Attendee 2023

Of The Month

Senior Leader of the Month

Leader of the Month

General of the Month

Captain of the Month

Lieutenant of the Month

Staff Sergeant of the Month

Sergeant of the Month

Memeber of the Month

Forum Staff of the Month

Department Staff of the Month