Article: Have you seen this crazy man?
A wave of terror is rushing through the world of KSI. It seems a strange man has been terrorizing people while running around with a cone on his head. Here is the story straight from Natas, who was an eyewitness. "They got me last night after 9 long months of trying.
I was asleep, as most cops do around 3 am. I thought they were too, but to my suprise they were playing BLACK OPS. So I'm out cold next thing I know is there was a STICK figure with an orange cone standing at my car window yelling. I looked up and yelled like a little girl. I then hit the window, trying to hit him. As I got out of the car there were 5 Police men rolling on the ground crying. It was great; Well, not for me but they got me. ITS ABOUT TIME." The suspect's name is KSI Supercop. If you have seen this man, please call 1-800-CrazyCone.
Submitted by KSI Flicker 7
KSI Flicker 7
[Submitted by KSI Flicker 7]
Additional Info
Written by: KSI Flicker 7
Publish Date: Thursday 26 May 2005 - 16:11:38
Featured People: KSI NATAS 7, KSI SuperCop
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