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|displayname= KSI Helios 7
|displayname= KSI Helios 7
|gamertag= Helios XDG
|gamertag= Helios XDG
|psn= N/A
|steamid= HeliosXDG
|steamid= HeliosXDG
|name= Ben
|name= Ben
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|info= Owner and Founder of Xero Degrees (XDG).
|info= Owner and Founder of Xero Degrees (XDG).
|datejoined= 2010
|datejoined= 2010
|squad= N/A
|division= N/A
|pastdivisions= [[Xero Degrees]], [[Double Helix]], [[Synthetic Reality]], [[Next Generation]], [[Twisted Reality]], [[Celestial Chaos]], [[Hellfire]], [[Reality Dynasty]].
|pastdivisions= XD, DH, SR, NG, ND, TR, CC, HF, RD.
|currentrank= Retired
|currentrank= Retired
|highestrank= Division Leader
|highestrank= Founder
|currentstatus= Retired 7
|currentstatus= DNH/Banned

==General Information==
KSI Helios 7 is a former member and leader of KSI who also went by the usernames KSI Mythos, KSI Astro, KSI Fortitude, and KSI Kolema during his tenure within KSI. Helios is most commonly known as the Creator of HellFire Division (HF) and overseeing the rebuild of Reality Dynasty (RD) in 2017. Helios departed from KSI in November 2017 to create Xero Degrees Gaming (XDG), an organization which he still runs today.

==Xbox 360 (2010-2014)==
==Clan Operations==
Helios originally joined KSI under the tag "FTG Kolema" in late 2010 on Halo 3 at the tender age of 13. He was originally recruited into a community which had spun off of KSI called "Full Throttle Gaming," and was later invited despite his young age by the Webmaster of FTG who also assisted in managing the KSI website. Helios did not spend very much time in KSI due to their strict rules on underage members at the time. While had acquired permission to join from KSI Techgnosis 7 (FTG Revolt) and KSI SE7EN 7, he was treated poorly by the members of his squad for being younger than the typical age requirement. He left KSI shortly after this to join a community associated with FTG that was more friendly to younger members. During this period of time, Helios joined several different communities in an effort to find a solid group of friends online, but was unable to find a community that truly fit his set of needs. He would return to KSI several times in the following years, and each time find himself caught up in some instability that caused him to leave (e.g. the KSI United split, the KSI.org split, etc) or be swept into another community. During these years, Helios was a member of Xero Degreez, Double Helix, and Synthetic Reality.

==Xbox One (2014-2017)==
Helios was an early adopter of the Xbox One, during a period of time where games were sparse on the new console and gaming communities were even sparser. Following the catastrophic launch of Halo: Master Chief Collection, the community he was a part of shuttered it's doors on the XB1 side. Following this, he took notice of the fact that KSI was running a Division on XB1 at the time called "Next Generation" and applied to join. This division was ran by KSI Fuffalo 7, who would later become infamous for causing a lot of drama in every community he joined. Helios spent his time in NG building two Advanced Warfare squads and reconnecting with old friends from his days in KSI during the United split. Eventually he was run off by Fuffalo, and he followed these old friends into a community he had prior history with known as Trouble Makers Gaming.

After nearly two years in TMG, Helios returned to KSI once again following TMG closing down. This time, he joined into Celestial Chaos with a friend of his named KSI Dev 7 under KSI Certifiedx7, KSI Deceptionx7, KSI Shockx7, and KSI Christ 777. Helios and Dev founded the only Call of Duty squad in the predominantly Halo-centric CC and named it Bzerk. When the aforementioned leaders left KSI to form their own gaming community called ARC, Helios and Dev stayed loyal to KSI despite threats from ARC to DDoS and attack KSI. Unfortunately, Bzerk CC was the only squad to remain and CC was battered hard by ARC in the following days. During this time, Helios and Dev were given the responsibility of creating a new division from the wreckage of CC, and named it HellFire (HF). Helios was tempted into leaving KSI by leaders he had worked with in TMG who were planning a relaunch of the doomed org. The much-discussed relaunch did not end up happening, but his departure from KSI under these circumstances soured his relationship with the group he had co-founded HF with, specifically an up-and-coming leader named KSI Space Ops 7, who felt personally betrayed by Helios fickle' nature as a member of KSI.
==Web Operations==

Helios would settle down in the first iteration of XDG, an invite only club started by TMG Cruser X and TMG Helios X following the permanent shuttering of TMG. Cruser was one of the original founders of the Xero Degreez division within KSI on the original xbox, and XD was a division that Helios and Cruser had built and rebuilt many times over the years. During this period, Helios did not game much as he had enrolled in college and entered the workforce. He had ample time to think about his lost friendships with Dev and Space Ops, and the regrets he had in the fiasco with TMG's ill-fated relaunch. He would eventually mend the relationship with these two, and they offered to return him to leadership within KSI. Helios agreed, but under the stipulation that he would join a different division than HF or any others that Dev and Space Ops looked over to avoid any hint of favoritism from the other members. They ultimately settled on Reality Dynasty, a long-standing but struggling division that was being managed by KSI Zeuswrath 7.

With a renewed vigor to prove himself, Helios was recruited into KSI Orion RD, a storied and iconic squad within RD that had fallen into disrepair under a leader named KSI NOX. NOX had unofficially turned the squad into a hybrid CoD-Overwatch squad, and this killed the activity and morale of the members. Helios wagered a bet with NOX and Zeuswrath to determine who would eventually run the squad and make policy decisions on gametype. The bet specifically wagered that Helios would be able to get more recruits on Call of Duty than NOX could on Overwatch, and that the loser would have their side of the squad transferred to a different area. Ultimately, Helios won the bet and NOX left KSI entirely instead of going with his OW players to Synthetic Reality division. Helios quickly lead Orion to a split and moved into division staff. At the same time of his meteoric rise to power within RD, there was another leader on a very similar trajectory named KSI Airborn 7 within Orion RD's sister squad Phantom RD. The two very quickly became best friends and created and salvaged numerous squads within RD as they rebuilt the division to become the largest and most successful in KSI at the time. During these short few weeks, Helios and Airborn created or rebuilt Orion RD, Phantom RD, Artemis RD, Hades RD, Sparta RD, Xerxes RD, and Nemesis RD. Despite a stack of inactive leaders above him, Helios was effectively running every aspect of RD with Airborn as his right-hand man. Despite this, Helios and Airborn only retained the rank of Founder instead of Division Leader and Co-Division Leader due to the political appointment of Zeuswrath as Division Leader. This was slated to be rectified as a split was planned with Airborn and Helios being given a new division called Distorted Reality (DR) and taking a small strike force of highly competent leaders and allowing Zeuswrath to continue running RD with the building blocks they had put in place.
==Notable Information==

Unfortunately, the streak of good times was set to be broken, as KSI was being assailed at the time by a community called TSB due to the publishing of personal information relating to the leader of TSB's family by KSI Punisher 7. Reality Dynasty was able to stay mostly free from this conflict by way of the rebuild having little historic affiliation with TSB or KSI leadership and mainly being drawn from new recruits or individuals from Helios and Airborn's backgrounds, as each of them had a community history spanning dozens of communities outside of KSI with a combined twenty years of community experience between the two of them. The same could not be said for the other divisions of KSI, who had taken the brunt of the losses inflicted by this conflict with TSB. Helios promised Dev and Space Ops that he would stay out of these types of issues, and so he focused all of his efforts into RD and not any of the ongoing drama outside of RD. Despite this, the conflict had a profound effect on the mental state of KSI's Senior Leadership at the time, and they lost more members, they became more desperate and frantic to shut out TSB in every possible way. In November 2017, KSI BIGG PAPA 7 impulsively removed nearly three hundred members from RD due to suspicions that they harbored some level of loyalty to TSB and a dogmatic approach the blacklist that often ventured into the realm of "idiotic lunacy".
Helios was put in the dilemma of having to choose between KSI and the members he had grown to love over several months of working with them. He initially tried to reason with leadership to remove BIGG PAPA, but this was to no avail as leadership replied that any member banned may put in a court appeal to see an immediate reinstatement. Knowing that this level of appeasement, enabling, and bureaucracy would result in the crushing loss of hundreds of members, the decision was made to instead reorganize Reality Dynasty into a new community that aligned more closely with the personal values Helios and Airborn had put into place when rebuilding RD to begin with. This decision would lead to the swift blacklisting of everyone involved, which ended up being the vast majority of RD division sans Zeuswrath and a few of his loyal retainers. After some initial debate on what exactly to do with their newfound freedom, Helios would eventually lead these members into a community of his own creation, bringing back the XDG name from 2015, but transforming it into a large-scale gaming operation. Following the creation of XDG, Helios was blacklisted and on poor terms with KSI until 2018, when he mended his relationship with KSI through an intermediary who was secretly a member of XDG whilst retaining a high rank in KSI named KSI Elderpoot 7. After solving these issues, Elderpoot opted to remain in KSI with the blessing of Helios and XDG, and the two of them created the foundation for a relationship that continues on to the present day.
In 2023, KSI Linden 7 reached out to Helios to expand this relationship, and the two communities are currently collaborating on several projects large and small for the betterment of the gaming scene in general.

==Awards & Achievements==
==Awards & Achievements==

Latest revision as of 18:36, 5 August 2024

KSI Helios 7
General Information
Xbox Gamertag Helios XDG
Steam ID:HeliosXDG
Location:Texas, USA
Other Info: Owner and Founder of Xero Degrees (XDG).
Community Info
Date Joined:2010
DivisionsXero Degrees, Double Helix, Synthetic Reality, Next Generation, Twisted Reality, Celestial Chaos, Hellfire, Reality Dynasty.
Last Known Rank:Retired
Highest Known Rank:Founder
Current Status:DNH/Banned

Clan Operations[edit | edit source]

Web Operations[edit | edit source]

Notable Information[edit | edit source]

Awards & Achievements[edit | edit source]