KSI Jay 7

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Revision as of 12:48, 8 August 2024 by New Blue (talk | contribs)
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General Information
Xbox Gamertag Jay 7
Other Info: Active from 2021-2022
Community Info
Date Joined:February 2021
Previous Squads:Redemption LH, Wolfthorne AR
DivisionsAncient Republic, Legacy and Honor
Last Known Rank:Founder
Highest Known Rank:Founder
Previous AffiliationsZGN
Current Status:Retired

Clan Operations[edit | edit source]

Web Operations[edit | edit source]

AAP Lead, Events/Tournaments Supervisor, Community Mod,

Notable Information[edit | edit source]

Earned his 7s Status in January 2022

Awards & Achievements[edit | edit source]