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In 2024, KSI.pro emerged as a breakaway faction from KSI Global, spearheaded by KSI NATAS 7. Upon Natas’s return to Global, he expressed dissatisfaction with several aspects of the organization’s Executive Staff, particularly the lack of representation and tokenism. Interestingly, this discontent arose despite KSI’s remarkable performance in the previous 6 months.

Subsequently, Natas departed from Global and founded “Killing Services Inc.”, which represents the original full version of the acronym KSI. His co-founders included KSI JUSTKILL 7, KSI DEADMEAT 7, KSI COLETRAIN 7, KSI XAKUTIONER, and KSI OWNAGEEUG, among others.



Hall of Fame Additions by KSI.pro

The KSI.pro brand, mostly led by, Natas, added multiple individuals to their own version of the Hall of Fame. The following were added. 14 different members were inducted within the first 8 months then were added to the Hall of Fame recognized by KSI (.org) and KSI (.com) in the last 8 years.