KSI Red Virus

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Revision as of 20:06, 19 August 2024 by New Blue (talk | contribs)
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Hall of Fame Member
This person is a member
of the KSI Hall of Fame.

General Information
Community Info
DivisionsUnreal Vision, Se7en Sins
Highest Known Rank:Directors
Current Status:Inactive

Clan Operations

"Hi, my name is KSI Red Virus. I am the DIRECTOR of UV/SS. I am proud to be over these two wonderful divisions. I love being an ranking officer, not for rank but for enjoyment. I like to help out my divisions, so we can progress in being the best. I have some experience in clans and leadership. I like to play Halo 3, Call of Duty W@W, & Gears of War2. I like to hang out with friends & family. I am pretty much a neutral guy, until you get on my bad side. I also know I have haters and that is alright, because you guys make me push harder lamo! Unreal Vision / Se7en Sins Pride !"

Web Operations

Notable Information

Awards & Achievements