KSI Outlaws and Bandits

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This page references a News Article from KSI.


If you mess with one of them, you mess with all of them! KSI Outlaws is the tightest squad in KSI and I had the chance to have an interview with Outlaw Star. We talk about KSI Outlaws, their new division KSI Bandits, and Outlaws sweet 'hog driving skills!

KSI Elite: Ok, this interview and all its content will be open to the public, do you agree?

KSI Outlaw Star: Yes, I agree my dear!

KSI Elite: When did you get the idea to start Outlaws?

KSI Outlaw Star: I had the idea to start my own Counterstrike squad within KSI in February. Basically I ran off of my own name "Outlaw Star" and I thought it would be cool to have KSI Outlaws.

KSI Elite: Did you ever think that it would become such a great squad, that everyone wants to join and be a part of? Like Outlaws is one of the top squads in KSI!

KSI Outlaw Star: We started off small: because there were rarely any counterstrike players out there with Halo 2 being the number played Xbox live game. But when we merged into Halo 2, I worked hard to recruit and find members that would be loyal. I would never think that months ago Outlaws would be this great. I am super lucky to have such awesome members who support and help me.

KSI Elite: Yeah you guys are the tightest squad in KSI. That says a lot and you must have worked really hard for it! How do you handle everything with Outlaws, and then work so hard for KSI?

KSI Outlaw Star: I try to manage and be flexible with time. It's hard juggling KSI, my own squad, and then my real job and life, but I somehow do it. But in reality, it's my members and the KSI community as a whole that motivate me to do the things that I do.

KSI Elite: Awe, that's so nice Hun! So Outlaws is starting a new junior division called KSI Bandits, What is your goal that you would like to have with that squad?

KSI Outlaw Star: KSI Bandits is led by you, booger. HAHA. Bandits are our future gamers. I hope it can be as established and organized as Outlaws is. Hopefully with our guidance and support, Bandits will be one of the squads our junior gamers want to be a part of. I know it will be a success especially that it will be led by you as well.

KSI Elite: I won't disappoint, Master Outlaw!

KSI Outlaw Star: Haha, you don't need to call me that you dork!

KSI Elite says: Tell me more about Counter Strike; I hear you guys are one of the best? (Thanks for calling me a dork!)

KSI Outlaw Star: KSI use to be huge in Counterstrike back in the day, number one in Team Compete. I want to try to keep that game alive. It's hard though when Halo 2 is the game of that the majority of Xbox players enjoy most. But I do have people who are wicked in the game and hopefully it will be a strong force not to be reckoned with!

KSI Elite: What do you like more, Counter Strike or Halo2?

KSI Outlaw Star: Tough question. Some people may think they know this answer but in reality I love both games!!

KSI Elite: Yeah, I heard you're great with the warthog lol! Would you like more people from KSI to get Counterstrike?

KSI Outlaw Star: I would to have more people join the CSX division. It would be great of course. The more the merrier! And yes I am great with the warthog (driver's side baby)

KSI Elite: If you could change anything about Outlaws, what would it be?

KSI Outlaw Star: This is a hard one Elite, because I wouldn't want to change anything in it right now. Everything is at the right place. Everyone is absolutely great. BUT if I did have one thing I need to change it would be recognition that some of these players deserve. Some members within the outlaws do a lot. I wish other leaders would get to know some of them. I know they deserve to be known.

KSI Elite says: Well then tell me about them, you dork!

KSI Outlaw Star: Everyone in management, KSI DOCHOLLIDAY, KSI WOLVERINE, KSI BABYJESUS, and KSI JAJABINX, they work hard and help me out whenever I need them.

KSI Elite: So you guys are pretty close, do you know any of your guys personally?

KSI Outlaw Star: I don't know any of them personally. I wish I did. But we are all close surprisingly. We click together like no other. We have this relationship of being there for one another. And I can't wait until I meet them all in September!

KSI Elite: What's happening in September?

KSI Outlaw Star: September is an Outlaw meet up in a disclosed location. I don't want the mafia coming to get me. LMAO! Haha, but yeah it should be fun!

KSI Elite says: How do you handle all those guys by yourself? You are the only girl in Outlaws!

KSI Outlaw Star: I live on this motto: You have to give respect in order to get it in return. I respect all my members and in return they respect me. I am like their "sister" anyways. We are all one big family.

KSI Elite: Damn, you're a pretty nice sister! Where do you get your good looks from?

KSI Outlaw Star: You can thank my mom and my dad for that! Hahahahaha!

KSI Elite: That's awesome! Well this interview is almost over, is there anything you would like the rest of KSI to know?

KSI Outlaw Star: I just want everyone to know that KSI as whole is a great community to be in. KSI Seven 7 did a great thing with this, and it will only be greater and stronger as days go by. To my KSI Outlaws & Bandits, you guys are friggin' awesome! I am so glad to be a part of this huge organization and most of all I am glad to be a KSI Outlaws. BTW - I love bananas, and fruit cups, and it is $5.00 every time someone wants to hear the "operator" greeting (inside joke)!

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Featured Pages: Outlaws, KSI Bandits