Article: Xblglitchforums

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xblglitchforums has reset all posts and members for a fresh start and a nice upgrade. We hope that everyone will come and register and help us start the new forums off.

But the good news is that we have just updated our forums. We now have more features than ever. You can do so much more stuff like post movies on your thread and get a full statistics reading and everything that you couldn't do on the last. We still got everything we had before all the great glitches that still work believe it or not. We got even better glitches for Halo 2, Ghost Recon 2, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory and many more games. The more games that come out the more glitches we find out. Some new glitches we found out on Chaos Theory are the Mini-Me Spy glitch also we found out the Easter egg glitches for Factory, Museum, Aquarius, and many more. We have so many glitches to browse through that you'll never have enough time to do them all. Although we did lose a lot with the hacking and update but don't fear they'll be back in no time. We had a little over 350 members registered to the site. But in 2 days we already have 58 members back so let's try and reach and go beyond the previous records. Sign on now and glitch away. Go to [link] to register now and get and handful of useful glitches to use on many games. We do not support cheating an anyway, shape, or form just taking an opportunity to find out the neatest glitches the producers fail to find.

Glitching is a job, not an opportunity!

[Submitted by KSI Mc CT]

Additional Info

Written by: KSI Mc CT

Publish Date: Friday 06 May 2005 - 03:22:24

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