Article: Want To Run A Squad Read This...

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A KSI member recently ask me what it takes to run a clan. I hope this will answer questions for any one interested in starting a new squad with in KSI, Every one in KSI has the opportunity to be a leader.

(Submitted by KSI NATAS 7)

We enjoy helping others become Clan leaders. I try and teach every one how, its not rocket science. A Squad will run its self if set up with a good structure. First thing is get yourself a Co Captain and have them decide on a Lieutenant... presto a rank structure . Then try and find members out side of KSI. Its not hard every one wants in, even if its just for a min (people will always come and go).

Next come up with a name, one that others will be drawn too. Get your members to read and agree with our (Code of Conduct) this is the most important part of joining KSI.

Finally, encourage new members to change there gamer tags This will let you know who is in and who is hanging out until a new squad sends a clan invite... and determine loyalty, its a pride and honour thing, not a mandatory thing

Keep in mind that some members will not be able to afford a new tag but may still be lasting members. Let them know to rank up, a KSI gamer tag is a must.

I like the members who buy one year tags, this will let you know they are KSI for life KSI will help you in any way we can. The way we do this is by micro management of your squad. This is why we are the best.

Helping you sleep while KSI keeps your team running. Its hard to keep a squad going when every one is on at different times. With KSI some one will look over your team at all times. We are about 95% on keeping up with your members . Also we will help to build your team by moving members around by the area that they will best fit in. According to playing times, and culture and well straight up who you can and cant socialise with... its a community there are meant to be different personalities.

I hope Ive been some help and look forward to working with any one with fresh ideas that will help improve KSI over all. If you do not chose to take my advice at least take our KSI Code Of Conduct.

Additional Info

Written by: KSI NATAS 7

Publish Date: Monday 02 May 2005 - 16:55:22

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