Article: Thought you guys might like my rant

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Well its that time of the week again, well a day early anyways but its time again for "You Wanna Know What I Think?"

You wanna know what i think? well i think HALO 2 IS DEAD thats right you heard me DEAD, D-E-A-D dead "but arc why would you say that?" Well H2 has been overridden with modders,bridgers,and the oldest trick in the book stand-byers. and its impossible to get anywhere in the game now that bungie has taken away the leaderboards theres nothing to work for! even though 80% of the leaderboards were cheaters after like 27 in minor and 18 in major but i will hand it to bungie they came up with one helluva match-making system alot better then most games out there on live. cuz im pretty sure if they could people would team change and team kill on halo 2 if given the chance. Not that im knocking it, its just there isnt any more fun to be had in a dead horse like this. it makes me angry to think that all the hard work we did was for nothing but in the end it wasnt because in the end we made many freinds, MUCH more enemies. and a few allies which are both freinds and enemies but at the end of the night its still just a video game which we all play for our own reasons, if its either to release stress, escape the tedious grind of life or even craft our social skills into something more pliable.since joining KSI almost 1 yr ago from humble beginnings in SS to running my own KSI TROOPERS and KSI 501sT we all realize one thing, HALO 2 is headed for the big big big video game cemetary in the sky and 360 shall soon have its loins rendered in twain by games that will eclipse halo 2 and engulf it in thier glowing superiority.

but then again ....

Thats Just What I Think

[Submitted by KSI ARC Trooper]

Additional Info

Written by: KSI ARC Trooper

Publish Date: Thursday 20 October 2005 - 02:12:37

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Featured Pages: Shock Squad, KSI TROOPERS, KSI 501sT