Article: The KSI Experience

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This page references a News Article from KSI.


What does KSI mean to you? I grew up in South Africa; we didn't have Xbox or Xbox Live. We only played pc games on computers that Max Payne ran like a slideshow on! Still, we loved it, I didn't think anything could be better! Then I moved to Canada, a little more than a year ago. I got an Xbox and it blew me away! I didn't do anything for 5 days except play Xbox and Halo2 in my basement!

When I got Xbox live a few months later, I didn't know anything about clans, I just played with my friends and it was great! I joined a clan called =UWG= United World Gamers for Halo PC and I learned what a real clan is, and they had a great leader, but when they went to Halo2, they fell apart. So Then I played a big custom game with KSI Apocalypse and I asked him what KSI is and he said it's his clan, and I thought sweet! I sent him a friend request and then never really ever play with him again. A few weeks later I went into a Team Skirmish game and got on the opposite side of a group of KSI (the names I will not repeat for I will be embarrassed that they beat me so bad!) It was Zanzibar 1flag CTF, a map that people know is my favorite, and I thought sweet I can do this! Then on offense we didn't even get the flag outside of the base and I was like ok, we will get it next time. We didn't. I talked to the guys afterward but didn't think to add them to my friend list, so I went to Apocalypse and followed him everywhere and asked to get a tryout and then I joined K7 Enforcers! Then after getting to know everyone in K7, a few people decided to go to 7th Air Cavalry and I decided to go with them. I wrote this article, because I had to say what a wonderful experience KSI gives me everyday! I love the people in it, and no matter what people say or do, it just makes us stronger!

[Submitted by KSI Elite]

Additional Info

Written by: KSI Elite

Publish Date: Thursday 19 May 2005 - 18:36:40

Featured People: KSI APOCALYPSE

Featured Pages: K7 Enforcers, 7th Air Cavalry