Article: Taboo and Stigmas in The Gaming Community By Anna Marie

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“When you give joy to other people, you get more joy in return. You should give a good thought to the happiness that you can give out.”

—Eleanor Roosevelt

Hello everyone, I am Anna Marie!! This is the first of many Articles that I will be putting out about The Taboo and Stigmas in The Gaming Community. "What's the Taboos and Stigmas in The Gaming Community Anna Marie?" Well thank you for asking, some of the stigmas are that most gamers are just lazy and don't want to contribute to the world. In reality that isn't true. Most of us struggle with mental health issues, so we use gaming as a coping skill or a pause button on life. That isn't talked about in gaming communities or in life. 970 million people struggle with mental health or substance abuse disorders in the world. Most of those people game to cope with life. This is the kind of stuff we don't talk about as a community. We have so many members struggling in silence and that's not ok. We don't leave anyone behind, if you see someone struggling we should help them.

The reason why I am so passionate about this topic is because I've struggled with mental health issues and substance abuse most of my life. I will be one year clean and sober this month. I've been working hard on my mental health, I always want to make sure everyone is ok. Sometimes the only thing someone needs is a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. That's why I'm here. I'm here to share my story and experiences, lend a listening ear, bring you daily motivation, and educate on mental health for those of you that are interested.

“Taboo and Stigmas in The Gaming Community” will be a podcast and article series starting with this one. I will bring weekly motivation to you all, some education and awareness on mental health, gaming and the Pride community. I will be doing interviews with members, they will be sharing their stories and struggles. I will be doing the same. We are all in this together, If anyone needs a listening ear or would just like to hangout so you are not alone I am here for you. I would like to state I am not a licensed therapist, I am just a fellow gamer that struggles with mental health and is passionate about the topic.

Remember you are amazing! You are doing your best! I AM PROUD OF YOU! Keep doing your best! One day at a time! Just for today! You are wanted! Not listen to anyone that is telling you otherwise! You are not alone!!

Additional Info

Written by: ZaraThePanda

Publish Date: Friday, September 20th, 2024 4:44pm

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